SIO OCGA Org Chart (PDF)
If an agency is not listed below, please contact Frank Truong, Director,
Agency assignments for Scripps Institution of Oceanography OCGA:
Judy Cheng:
- State of California - Backup: Elizabeth Meier
- Sea Grant (State of California Funding) - Backup: William Park III
- Local Government, Municipalities, and Municipal Agencies - Backup: Elizabeth Meier
- U.S. State Governments - Backup: Elizabeth Meier
- U.S. Universities (including WHOI) - Backup: Travis Dadigian
- U.S. University Flow-Through (except FDP with NSF and NASA Prime) - Backup: Travis Dadigian
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Backup: Travis Dadigian
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) - Backup: William Park III
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) - Backup: William Park III
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) - Backup: William Park III
- Sandia National Laboratory - Backup: William Park III
- UT Battelle - Backup: William Park III
- Domestic Industry Contracts/Agreements - Backup: Travis Dadigian
Travis Dadigian
- Department of Defense Contracts, Delivery Order Agreements, and Other Transactions - Backup: Frank Truong
- Department of State - Backup: Frank Truong
- Industry flow-through - Backup: Frank Truong
- IRIS, UCAR, UNAVCO - Backup: Elizabeth Meier
- Sales and Service Agreements - Backup: Judy Cheng and Frank Truong
- Unfunded Collaboration Agreements (domestic) - Backup: Frank Truong
- Non-Disclosure Agreements - Backup: Elizabeth Meier
- Memorandum of Understanding (domestic and foreign) - Backup: Elizabeth Meier
- Charter Party Agreements (incoming and outgoing) Backup: Frank Truong
Anja Engledow
- Office of Naval Research Grants (ONR) - Backup: Cherry Grihalva
- Air Force Grants - Backup: Cherry Grihalva
- Air Force Cooperative Agreements - Backup: Travis Dadigian
- Army Grants - Backup: Cherry Grihalva
- Army Cooperative Agreements - Backup: Travis Dadigian
- Misc. Navy and Department of Defense (DOD) Grants - Backup: Cherry Grihalva
- Seafloor Electromagnetics Methods Consortium (SEMC) - Backup: Frank Truong
Cherry Grihalva:
- National Science Foundation (NSF) - Backup: William Park III
- National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA) - Backup: William Park III
- U.S. University Flow-Through (FDP with NSF or NASA Prime) - Backup: Judy Cheng
- USC Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) - Backup: Judy Cheng
- Columbia University International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) - Backup: Elizabeth Meier
- UC Programs - Backup Elizabeth Meier
- UC Mexus - Backup Elizabeth Meier
- Incoming UC Multiple Campus Agreements - Backup: Elizabeth Meier
- Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) - Backup: Elizabeth Meier
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) - Backup: Frank Truong
- Binational Science Foundation (BSF) - Backup: Frank Truong
- Inter-American Institute for Global Change (IAI) - Backup: Frank Truong
Elizabeth Meier:
- Private Non-Profits and Interest Groups - Backup: Judy Cheng
- Foreign University Contracts - Backup: Frank Truong
- National Institutes of Health - Backup: Travis Dadigian
- European Union, including Marie Curie fellowships, and foreign non-profits - Backup: Frank Truong
- USAID - Backup: Travis Dadigian
- Data Use Agreements - Backup: Judy Cheng
- Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) and Collaboration Agreements with MTA terms - Backup: Judy Cheng
William Park III:
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - Backup: Cherry Grihalva
- Cooperative Institute for Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Systems (CIMEAS) - Backup: Cherry Grihalva
- Sea Grant (Federal Funding) - Backup: Cherry Grihalva
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Backup: Cherry Grihalva
- Department of Energy (DOE) - Backup: Cherry Grihalva
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - Backup: Cherry Grihalva
- United States Department of the Interior (USDI) - Backup: Cherry Grihalva
- United States Geological Survey (USGS) - Backup: Cherry Grihalva
- Forest Service - Backup: Cherry Grihalva
- United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)- Backup: Cherry Grihalva
- ESR Marine Sciences representative
Frank Truong:
- Foreign Government (excluding SEMC and JAXA)- Backup: Elizabeth Meier
- Domestic and Foreign Visitor Agreements (including intellectual property agreements) - Backup: Elizabeth Meier
- Unfunded Collaboration Agreements (foreign) - Backup: Travis Dadigian
- Equipment Loan Agreements
- Miscellaneous/Special Projects lead on major project proposals/award negotiations - Backup: Travis Dadigian
Shan Poon - Business Intelligence Analyst (Under SIO-IT)
- Kuali Research Data Administrator
- Proposal and Award Data Analysis and Reporting
- Closeout/Patent Report Coordinator
- Contract and Grant Support/Information Resource
May 2024
For additional information contact Frank Truong.