- Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
- Community Engagement
Community Engagement

Scripps EDI Initiatives
Scripps Institution of Oceanography works to create and foster a positive and welcoming climate where we value, include, and support all at Scripps.
- Quarterly Community Conversations
Upcoming Community Conversations can be found on the Scripps events calendar here. Here is a sampling of past Community Conversations:
Anti-Black Racism - June 14, 2020
- Over Spring 2020, throughout all 50 states and many other countries, national and international attention has been shifted from an exclusive focus on the COVID-19 pandemic to one combined with the pandemic of anti-Black racism.
- This conversation was facilitated by Dr. Shaun Travers, Campus Diversity Officer & Director of the LGBT Resource Center, about systemic racism, Black lives, anti-Black racism and our own actions as individuals, leaders and as an institution.
Gender Recognition Act - November 2018- Gender Recognition Act FAQ
- Scripps Community Support Group events. Sign up to receive information about upcoming and ongoing community events.
- Scripps CARES Newsletter (Community Awareness, Resources, Engagement & Support)
Monthly newsletter connecting Scripps Community to UC San Diego Community Events & Resources
Subscribe to Scripps EDI Listserv.
Archive of past newsletters:
- Scripps LEARNS (Listen, Engage, Activate, Reflect, Nurture, & Support)
Community members are invited to participate in a series of facilitated small-group discussions around current events and topics. Participants will be encouraged to listen and learn from each other as we explore new ways of thinking and interacting with each other as a community. Space is limited. Meeting details will be emailed to confirmed participants. Submit Participation Survey here.
- Scripps LEADS (Learn, Engage, Activate, Develop & Support)
Units and Centers at Scripps are invited to participate in a series of facilitated small-group discussions around current events and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion strategic planning. Participants will be encouraged to listen and learn from each other as we explore new ways of thinking about and advancing strategic EDI goals. Submit Engagement Request here.
- Community Engagement Fellows
Undergraduate and Graduate Student Fellows support the Director of Diversity Initiatives in efforts to develop and engage the Scripps Institution of Oceanography community around equity, diversity, and inclusion. Fellows have the opportunity to gain valuable leadership, community-building and project management skills while giving back to the Scripps and UC San Diego community. Fellows assist the Director of Diversity Initiatives in the organization and planning of various events and programs at Scripps designed to (1) foster community building and collaboration, (2) improve campus climate, (3) build professional skills and networks, and (4) enhance cultural awareness and/or education by engaging Scripps Oceanography students, staff, faculty and alumni in a variety of activities and events. View current and past Community Engagement Fellows.
- Scripps Anti-Racism Reboot
Mondays, 12 noon - 1 pm
January 4th, 11th, 25th
The Anti-Racism Reboot is part of Scripps Oceanography’s ongoing efforts to provide training and learning opportunities to create a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive community. Curated from the Chancellor's 21-day Anti-Racism Challenge, this weekly series is tailored for the Scripps community to learn together, with facilitated discussions that will be held weekly where participants can ask questions and process the material. The goal is to assist everyone in furthering their awareness, compassion, understanding, and engagement towards anti-racism.
Register here. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in the Anti-Racism Reboot. You only have to register once in order to participate in any of the discussions. It is recommended that you read or listen to the material before the weekly call, and if you happen to miss a week you can re-join any time. Weekly Schedule is available here.
Community Groups
Scripps Oceanography is home to a variety of community groups that create a place of belonging where all students, staff and faculty can find community, explore social justice issues, gain leadership skills, engage in open dialogue and take part in educational and social activities.
Sign up to receive information about upcoming and ongoing community events from Scripps Community Groups.
- APIMEDA Monthly Meetup
Monthly support group for the APIMEDA (Asian Pacific Islander Middle Eastern Desi American) Community at Scripps to share their thoughts, feelings, experiences and be in community with each other. Meets the fourth Wednesday of each month.
- Black at Scripps Community Meetup
Bimonthly support group for the Black Community at Scripps to share their thoughts, feelings, experiences and be in community with each other. Takes place the first and third Tuesday of the month. Email to join the group
- First Gen [College Students] Monthly Meetup
Monthly support group for the First Gen Community at Scripps to share their thoughts, feelings, experiences and be in community with each other. Meets the fourth Monday of each month.
- International Community Meetup
Bimonthly support group for the international community at Scripps to share their thoughts, feelings, experiences and be in community with each other.
- Junior Faculty Monthly Meetup
Faculty and researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography who self-identify as "junior" are invited to lunch the first Friday of the month. Contact Deirdre Lyons for more information at
- Latinx/Hispanic Monthly Meetup
Monthly support group for the Latinx Community at Scripps to share their thoughts, feelings, experiences and be in community with each other. Meets the third Wednesday of each month.
- Native/ Indigenous Community Meetup
Monthly support group for the Native/ Indigenous community at Scripps to share their thoughts, feelings, experiences and be in community with each other. Meets the last Wednesday of each month
- Peers Offering Community Circle
Bimonthly gathering where BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) students, staff, and academics can come together as a community to build a support system that allows us to individually and collectively thrive at Scripps. Takes place the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Email to join the group
- Postdocs@Scripps
Postdoctoral scholars (postdocs) are essential to Scripps mission, and if you are a postdoc at Scripps, we want to welcome you to Scripps to begin or continue your postdoc career. More information about your appointment, benefits, opportunities, funding, policies, resources, services, and other helpful information as you begin working with your mentor can be found here.
- Queer@Scripps
This is a group for queer-identifying students, staff, postdocs, researchers, faculty, and alumni at Scripps to connect, share resources, and be in community with each other. We host monthly informal meet-ups and plan events throughout the year.
- UC San Diego Staff Association
The UC San Diego Staff Association creates community, champions staff interests, and provides opportunities for professional networking and development. More information can be found here.
- Women & Minorities in Science (WMIS)
Women and Minorites in Science (WMIS) is a collection of Scripps Institution of Oceanography students, postdocs, faculty, and staff dedicated to fostering and promoting an equitable and inclusive environment at Scripps and within the larger scientific community. WMIS hosts a variety of community building and career development events, and encourages the participation of anyone who supports minoritized groups and women in science, and wishes to work towards a more equitable, equal, and inclusive community. Learn more about WMIS and their upcoming events on their website. You can also follow WMIS on Twitter and Instagram, join them on Slack, or sign up for their mailing list.
Ongoing Campus Community Events
Annual equity, diversity and inclusion events and cultural celebrations are held throughout the year on the campuses of Scripps Institution of Oceanography and UC San Diego.
- Scripps Annual Events
- Postdoc Appreciation Event (September 21-25, 2020): Annual event held during National Postdoc Appreciation Week designed to celebrate and welcome new postdocs to Scripps
- Veterans Appreciation Event (Friday before Veterans Day): Annual event held to recognize the service and contributions of Veterans at Scripps
- Black Excellence at Scripps (February): Month-long activities that recognize and celebrate the contributions of the Black community at Scripps
- Ice Cream Social: Annual community event held in April designed to get folks out of their offices and labs to celebrate Inclusive Excellence Awardees and San Diego Fellowship recipients
- Scripps Day: Graduation festivities for Scripps Oceanography graduates. Held the Friday before UC San Diego campus commencement.
- Staff Appreciation Breakfast: Annual event held the morning of Scripps Day that highlights and celebrates staff accomplishments and contributions
- Campus Annual Events
UC San Diego hosts a variety of annual EDI events and cultural celebrations. View the calendar of upcoming events and annual celebrations.
- Town Halls
Town halls are regularly scheduled to address issues of importance to international students and postdocs; international faculty and researchers; graduate students; postdoctoral scholars; staff; and the entire Scripps Oceanography community. Past Town Hall events are available for viewing by current Scripps community members.