- Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
- Accountability

Students participate in a marine biology undergraduate class in the Scripps Coastal Reserve.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography aims to ensure institutional accountability through processes and structures that strengthen our clear and continuous commitment to inclusive excellence.
- Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence
The UC San Diego community engaged in a collaborative and inclusive effort to shape the future of our campus through the UC San Diego Strategic Plan, which provides a framework for sustainable excellence, defines our shared aspirations, and identifies five goals to unify our campus. This strategic planning toolkit was developed by Vice Chancellor-Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion to aid in the creation of these individual plans while affording each unit or division significant latitude to identify the goals and strategies best suited to them. View the plan.
- Principles of Community
To foster the best possible working and learning environment, UC San Diego strives to maintain a climate of fairness, cooperation, and professionalism. These principles of community are vital to the success of the University and the well being of its constituents. UC San Diego faculty, staff, and students are expected to practice these basic principles as individuals and in groups. Read the Principles of Community.
- Executive Summary of Marine Sciences Accountability Profile
In preparation for the 2019 Inaugural UC San Diego Accountability Meetings, Vice Chancellor and Dean unit leaders were asked to review data, conduct self-analysis and prepare accountability reports. Drafted in conjunction with the Director of Diversity Initiatives and the Associate Dean for Faculty Equity and Inclusion, Scripps Director, Margaret Leinen, presented the Accountability Profile to the Chancellor, EVC Simmons, and the VCEDI Advisory Council. The 2019 and 2020 Reports will be available online in Fall 2020.
- Diversity Dashboards
Transparency and trust are the foundations of an inclusive community. The Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and UC San Diego conduct regular surveys on EDI issues across campus. Here you will find the quantitative and qualitative outcomes of our efforts: accountability data dashboards, as well as a series of detailed reports focused on inclusivity - from campus climate feedback to the success of diverse campus committees over the years. View the Dashboards and Reports.
- Climate Surveys
UC San Diego is committed to creating a climate that is inclusive and welcoming and encourages respectful and open dialogue. Surveys help understand and track perceptions of climate in order to make improvements and monitor progress.
- Staff@Work Survey
- Postdoc Survey
- Undergraduate Student Surveys
- Graduate Student Surveys
- Student Advisor Expectations Survey - Executive Summary of Spring 2019 results pending
- Ad Hoc Task Force on Space Allocation
The SIO Ad Hoc Task Force on Space Allocation was formally charged on May 4, 2022, to better understand space allocations and space-allocation policies, processes, and procedures at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego, with the goal of assessing possible gender inequities.
The final report is available at Anti-Bullying / Harassment Taskforce
- Charge: Develop a community anti-bullying, anti-harassment program.
Consider these four components:
- a written anti-harassment policy (Code of Conduct);
- accessible, flexible, and optionally anonymous reporting procedures;
- prompt, thorough, and impartial investigative procedures;
- prompt and appropriate follow-up actions to stop harassment, discipline offenders, and protect complainants from any negative effects of reporting.
Determine what will and what will not work for our community.
Committee members: Jamin Greenbaum (Co-Chair), Effie Fine (Co-Chair), Keiara Auzenne, Gilbert Bretado, Jose Martinez Claros, Grant Deane, Steve Diggs, Anne Footer, Shailja Gangrade, Rebecca Gjini, Andrew Naslund, Dave Stegman, Tomomi Ushii, Amy Waterhouse
- Diversity Advisory Committee
This committee will provide advice and counsel to the Director and Scripps leadership on any and all matters pertaining to student, staff and academic diversity, equal opportunity and affirmative action goals and objectives. The responsibilities of this committee are (1) to assess Scripps’ performance in achieving diversity goals as defined by the campus and/or UC system and local/state/federal laws/regulations, (2) advise the director on promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion among faculty, staff, and students through education and outreach, (3) report on campus climate, and (4) provide oversight for participation in the annual campus diversity awards process.
Anna Wilson (Co-Chair), Erin Satterthwaite (Co-Chair), Cheryl Peach, Ian Eisenman, Jens Muhle, Lynn Russell, Deborah Kilb, April Lukowski, Hannah Tannenbaum, Heriberto Jesus Vasquez Peralta
Ex officio: Keiara Auzenne, Simone Baumann-Pickering
Student: Theodora Mautz- Diversity Admissions Committee
The committee’s mission is to seek a diverse pool of applicants and admit those who are qualified, highly accomplished, likely to successfully complete our rigorous graduate program, and make positive contributions to the Scripps community and to the field of marine science.
Members: Deidre Lyons (Chair), Wenyuan Fan (Vice Chair), Lynn Russell, Jennifer MacKinnon, Kaitlin Frasier, Emily Chin, Julia Diaz, Colleen Petrik
Ex officio: Dana Jimenez, Josh Reeves, Gilbert Bretado, Keiara Auzenne
For general questions or admission questions, please contact the Diversity Admission Committee at
- Junior Faculty Advisory Board
J-FAB is a standing committee that meets annually with assistant professors, assistant researchers, and newly hired associate level faculty and researchers to monitor for conflicts with senior level faculty. The committee is comprised of the three Section Heads, the Scripps Director of Diversity Initiatives, and one of the Scripps Ombudspersons. The committee chair will rotate annually. The goal of J-FAB is to identify when problems exist, not necessarily to solve them.
Members: Matthew Alford (chair), Gabi Laske, Jack Gilbert, Simone Baumann-Pickering, Keiara Auzenne