Scripps researchers develop and operate long-term global and regional observing systems that improve understanding of environmental change and hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, wildfires, and harmful algal blooms.


The Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment measures important trace gases in the atmosphere 


Network of real-time cameras for monitoring wildfires

Anza Network

Network monitors Southern California earthquakes


Network of robotic ocean profiling floats that measure global ocean circulation, temperature, salinity 

Benthic Invertebrate Collection

Houses specimens representing nearly 8,000 species of seafloor organisms


California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations is a famed survey of Pacific marine life and physical ocean conditions

California Real Time Network

GPS stations that provide geospatial information on terrain down to the subcentimeter level



California Current Ecosystem is a program designed to understand the effects of long-term climate variability on California Current marine life


CLIVAR and Carbon Hydrographic Data Office delivers global CTD and hydrographic data from decades of ocean observations 


Coastal Data Information Program provides maritime users vital data on waves, currents, and ocean temperature


California Nevada Applications Program is a network providing climate science to public officials in California and Nevada


Coastal Observing Research and Development Center creates coastal observational technologies for science, industrial, and military applications


Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes forecasts and tracks extreme weather events, especially atmospheric rivers, that affect water supply.


Geological Data Center archives and provides access to oceanographic data, particularly from Scripps Oceanographic vessels.

Geological Collections

One of the largest marine geology collections in the United States


The Global Ocean Biogeochemical float program supports robotic ocean-monitoring float profiles around the globe that are used by scientists and educators to better understand ocean health

HF Radar

High-Frequency Radar provides information on direction of ocean surface currents in U.S. waters



Network processes and delivers data from earthquake and environment-observing sensors

Keeling Curve

The iconic measurement of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that launched the modern era of climate change research


Lagrangian Drifter Lab

Develops ocean condition-sensing drifters 

Marine Vertebrate Collection

One of the largest collections of deep-sea and pelagic fishes in the world

Ocean Time Series Group

Uses observations made on moored sensors throughout world oceans to develop long-term data

Pelagic Invertebrate Collection

One of the world's preeminent collections of marine zooplankton, housing more than 140,000 specimens 


Resilient Futures: Imperial Beach

A sea-level rise and flood forecast network developed for the city of Imperial Beach


Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System is one of 11 contributors to a national network providing coastal environmental and water quality data

Scripps Ecological Observatory

Ecological data collected on Scripps Institution of Oceanography research pier

Scripps High Resolution XBT Network

Upper ocean temperature profiles

Shore Stations Program

A nine-station network making fundamental temperature and salinity measurements along the California coast since 1916


A program to crowdsource data on ocean health relying chiefly on instruments packaged on fins issued to surfers and paddleboarders


Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations Modeling is a group of universities including Scripps Oceanography studying the Southern Ocean and its influence on global climate


Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center researches, analyzes and archives geodetic and seismic data for the study of earthquakes and tsunamis, tectonic plate motion, and structural monitoring


Spray Underwater Glider Data

Network of diving robotic gliders that measure ocean conditions along specified tracks


Part of an international network of hydrographic research cruises repeating measurements on a decadal time scale

US Array

A Continental Scale Seismic Observatory is a collection of seismographs that provides high-resolution earthquake data in areas of interest 


Centers and Programs

Scripps Institution of Oceanography is home to interdisciplinary scientific research centers and major programs.

Research Facilities

Scripps Oceanography is home to cutting-edge research facilities and scientific equipment.


Faculty and researchers operate important research labs that help understand and protect the planet.