Courses in the SIO Department

This page displays the current 2024-25 plan for classes in the SIO Department, including those in the Climates Change Studies (CCS), Environmental Systems (ESYS), Marine Biodiversity & Conservation (MBC), and Climate Science & Policy (CSP) programs.  Please be aware that all listings are tentative, and class offerings and instructors are subject to change.  Please refer to the Schedule of Classes for times and locations, when available. For course descriptions, either click on the course number or see  the UC San Diego General Catalog.

For additional information on future course offerings in the SIO Department please see the additional info page.  For Summer course offerings, please visit

Courses at Scripps Oceanography

Course Course Title Fall Quarter Winter Quarter Spring Quarter Summer
ESYS 101 Environmental Biology Taylor, J
ESYS 102 The Solid and Fluid Earth Haase, J
ESYS 103 Envrnmntl Chall: Science & Sol Lerner, A
ESYS 187A Senior Internship Project I Hetherington, E
ESYS 187B Senior Internship Project II Hetherington, E
ESYS 187C Envir Sys/Senior Seminar Hetherington, E
SIO 1 The Planets Stegman, D
SIO 3 Life in the Oceans Aburto, O Hetherington, E
SIO 10 The Earth Borsa, A
SIO 15 Natural Disasters Laske, M
SIO 16 Geology of the National Parks Stegman, D
SIO 20R The Atmosphere Russell, L
SIO 25 Climate Change and Society Hildebrand, J; Frasier, K Rivera-Collazo, I Saenger, M
SIO 30 The Oceans Gille, S; Aarons, S
SIO 35 Water Driscoll, N
SIO 40 Life and Climate on Earth Barbeau, K
SIO 45 Volcanoes Cook, G Cook, G
SIO 46GS Global Volcanism Cook, G
SIO 50 Intro to Physical Geology Cook, G Cook, G
SIO 60 Exp/Oceanic & Atmospheric Sci Ricke, K; Lucas, A
SIO 65 Geosciences Seminar Cook, G
SIO 75 Geological History of Earth Norris, R
SIO 87 First-year Seminar - Drugs from the Sea? Gerwick, W
SIO 87 First-year Seminar - The language of the ocean Jensen, P
SIO 87 First-year Seminar - Intro to Volcanoes Cook, G
SIO 87 First-year Seminar - Earth and Planetary Science Wright, V
SIO 87 First-year Seminar - Rocks that Rock! Cook, G
SIO 87 First-year Seminar - Volcanoes Cook, G
SIO 87 First-year Seminar Aburto, O
SIO 87 First-year Seminar - Minerals, Crystals, and Gems Cook, G
SIO 90 Undergraduate Seminar STAFF STAFF STAFF
SIO 100 Geological Field Methods Norris, R; Odlum, M
SIO 101 California Coast Oceanography Aluwihare, L
SIO 102 Introduction to Geochemistry Day, J
SIO 103 Introduction to Geophysics Parnell-Turner, R
SIO 105 Sedimentology & Stratigraphy Driscoll, N
SIO 107 Water Pollution Schartup, A
SIO 108 Paleoclimatology Aarons, S
SIO 109R Bending/Curve: Climate Change Forman, F Forman, F Forman, F Forman, F
SIO 110 Intro GIS & GPS for Scientists Batchelor, H
SIO 112 Data Science in Geophysics Morzfeld, M
SIO 113 Comp & Data Analysis in Geosci May, D
SIO 115 Ice and the Climate System Fricker, H
SIO 116 Climate Change & Global Health Benmarhnia, T
SIO 117 Physical Basis/Global Warming Keeling, R
SIO 119 Physics and Chem of the Oceans Send, U; Andersson, J
SIO 120 Mineralogy Cook, G
SIO 121 Biology of the Cryosphere Bowman, J
SIO 121GS Geology of the Alps Cook, G
SIO 123 Microbial Env Systems Biology Allen, A
SIO 126 Marine Microbiology Palenik, B
SIO 132 Introduction to Marine Biology Hechinger, R; Kacev, D
SIO 133 Marine Mammal Biology Baumann-Pickering, S; Kacev, D Hidalgo Pla, E
SIO 134 Intro/Biological Oceanography Barton, A
SIO 135 Satellite Remote Sensing Sandwell, D; Fricker, H
SIO 136 Marine Biology Laboratory Kacev, D Kacev, D; Shipp, L
SIO 139 Current Research in Marine Bio Kacev, D Kacev, D
SIO 141 Chem Prin of Marine Systems Pomeroy, R
SIO 143 Ocean Acidification Andersson, J
SIO 144 Intro to Isotope Geochemistry Day, J
SIO 147 Applications of Phylogenetics STAFF
SIO 152 Petrology and Petrography Chin, E
SIO 153 Geomorphology Capaldi, T
SIO 160 Intro to Global Tectonics Fialko, Y
SIO 161 Seismology Fan, W
SIO 162 Structural Geology Wright, V
SIO 166 Environmental Archaeology STAFF
SIO 167 Geoarchaeology Rivera-Collazo, I
SIO 170 Volcanology Cook, G
SIO 171 Intro to Physical Oceanography Rudnick, D
SIO 172 Physics of the Atmosphere Norris, J
SIO 173 Dynamics of Atmos & Climate Xie, S
SIO 174 Chemistry of Atmosph and Ocean Aluwihare, L; Russell, L
SIO 175 Analysis Ocean/Atmosph Data Merrifield, M
SIO 176 Observ Physical Oceanography Merrifield, S
SIO 177 Fluid Dynamics Becker, J
SIO 178 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Becker, J
SIO 179 Ocean Instruments and Sensors Martz, T
SIO 181 Marine Biochem & Physiology Tresguerres, M
SIO 182 Envr & Exploration Geophysics Constable, S
SIO 184 Marine Invertebrates Rouse, G
SIO 187 Stat Methods in Marine Biology Kacev, D Kacev, D
SIO 188 Biology of Fishes Arcila, D
SIO 189 Pollution, Environmnt & Health Hamdoun, A
SIO 190 Special Topic/Earth/Ocean/Atmo Lin, Y; Kacev, D; Gaasterland, T
SIO 190L Spc Topic/Earth/Ocean/Atmo-Lab Sandin, S
SIOB 218 Ocean & Coastal Law and Policy Murray, S
SIOB 242C Marine Biotechnology III Gaasterland, T
SIOB 243 Ecologcl/Med Aspcts-Naturl Prd Gerwick, W
SIOB 262 Marine Chemical Biology Seminr Lukowski, A Moore, B Gerwick, W
SIOB 265 Marine Chemical Ecology Jensen, P
SIOB 270A Fisheries Oceanography Petrik, C
SIOB 272 Advanced Statistical Technique Sandin, S
SIOB 273 Professional Ethics in Science Leichter, J
SIOB 275A Benthic Ecology Leichter, J
SIOB 278 Seminar in Ocean Biosciences Petrik, C; Hamdoun, A Jensen, P
SIOB 278 Seminar in Ocean Biosciences - Parasites and Biodiverse Hechinger, R
SIOB 279 Ecology Seminar/BO Allen, E Leichter, J
SIOB 280 Biological Oceanography Baumann-Pickering, S; Allen, A
SIOB 282 Phytoplankton Diversity Palenik, B
SIOB 284 Marine Invertebrates Rouse, G
SIOB 286 Marine Sci, Econ & Policy Smith, J; Mesnick, S Aburto, O
SIOB 291 Biology Graduate Research Pres STAFF STAFF
SIOB 296 Special Topics/Ocean Bio Batchelor, H
SIOB 297 Marine Biology Seminar Allen, E Allen, E Allen, E
SIOC 200C Ocean Acoustics&Signal ProcIII Lin, Y
SIOC 202A Fundamentals of Wave Physics Hao, X; Lin, Y
SIOC 202B Fundamentals of Wave Physics Stramski, D; Gabriel, A
SIOC 203A Intro to Applied Mathematics Becker, J
SIOC 203B Intro/Applied Mathematics II Llewellyn Smith, S
SIOC 203C Intro/Applied Mathematics III Young, W
SIOC 207A Fundamentals/Dig Sign Process Meyer, F
SIOC 207B Digital Signal Processing I Meyer, F
SIOC 208 Seminar/Applied Ocean Sciences Merrifield, M Merrifield, M STAFF
SIOC 209 Special Topics Benmarhnia, T; Siegelman, L
SIOC 210 Physical Oceanography Purkey, S
SIOC 211A Ocean Waves I Mackinnon, J
SIOC 211B Ocean Waves II Feddersen, F
SIOC 212A Geophysical Fluid Dynamics I Eisenman, I
SIOC 212B Geophysical Fluid Dynamics II Cessi, P
SIOC 214A Intro To Fluid Mechanics Giddings, S
SIOC 216A Intro/Physics of Complex Systm Werner, B
SIOC 217A Atmospheric & Climate Sci I Evan, A
SIOC 217B Atmospheric & Climate Sci II Norris, J
SIOC 217C Atmospheric & Climate Sci III Lutsko, N
SIOC 217D Atmospheric & Climate Sci IV Russell, L; Keeling, R
SIOC 218A Obs Techniques in Oceanography Send, U
SIOC 219 Spec Topics/Physical Oceanogra Young, W; Mackinnon, J
SIOC 221A Anlys/Physicl Oceanograph Data Mackinnon, J
SIOC 221B Analysis/Physical Ocean Data Gille, S
SIOC 223 Proposal Writing / Exp Design Send, U
SIOC 228 ML for Physical Applications Shi, Y
SIOC 235 Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction Xie, S
SIOC 237B Ocean Color Remote Sensing Stramski, D
SIOC 250 Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics Norris, J
SIOC 290S Climate Math and Science Merrifield, M; Gabriel, C
SIOC 291S Introduction to Climate Policy Gabriel, C
SIOG 200A Geophysics Research Skills I Constable, S
SIOG 200B Geophysics Research Skills II Gabriel, A
SIOG 223A Geophysical Data Analysis I Morzfeld, M
SIOG 223B Geophysical Data Analysis II Agnew, D; Fan, W
SIOG 224 Internal Constitution/Earth Laske, M; Stegman, D
SIOG 225 Physics of Earth Materials Fialko, Y
SIOG 227A Introduction to Seismology Gabriel, A
SIOG 227C Advanced Seismology II Fan, W; Gabriel, A
SIOG 228 Research Seminar Hechinger, R Kacev, D Chin, E
SIOG 229 Gravity and Geodesy Borsa, A
SIOG 230 Introduction to Inverse Theory Constable, C
SIOG 232 Ethical & Professional Science Constable, C; Constable, S
SIOG 233 Intro to Computing at SIO Shearer, P
SIOG 234 Geodynamics Sandwell, D
SIOG 236 Satellite Remote Sensing Sandwell, D; Fricker, H
SIOG 237 Space Geodesy Fialko, Y
SIOG 238 Numerical Methods May, D
SIOG 239 Special Topics in Geophysics Haase, J Gabriel, A Fan, W
SIOG 239 Special Topics in Geophysics - Seismology Shearer, P
SIOG 240 Marine Geology Charles, C; Parnell-Turner, R
SIOG 249 Spec Topics in Marine Geology Norris, R
SIOG 252A Intro to Isotope Geochemistry Day, J
SIOG 260 Marine Chemistry Schartup, A
SIOG 267 Marine Chemistry Laboratory Martz, T