Course Syllabuses

This is a collection of Scripps course syllabuses.  The syllabuses are archived by the academic year.  Each syllabus is listed under the format ([term offered] [instructor]).  Please note that not all courses are taught on an annual basis.

For course descriptions, either click on the course number or visit the UCSD Catalog.

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Undergraduate courses (lower division)

Undergraduate courses (upper division)

Graduate courses


CourseCourse Title2023-242024-25
SIO 1The Planets  
SIO 3Life in the OceansW24 AburtoW25 Aburto
SIO 10The EarthSP24 Borsa 
SIO 12History of the Earth and EvolutionFA23 Peach 
SIO 15Natural DisastersFA23 LaskeFA 24 Laske
SIO 16Geology of the National ParksSP24 Gee 
SIO 20The AtmosphereW24 RussellFA 24 Russell (REMOTE)
SIO 25Climate Change and Society FA 24 Hildebrand
SIO 30The OceansFA23 Aarons/Gille 
SIO 35Water  
SIO 40Life and Climate on EarthFA23 BarbeauFA 24 Barbeau
SIO 45VolcanoesW24 CookW25 Cook
SIO 50Introduction to Earth and Environmental Sciences

FA23 Cook

SP24 Cook

FA 24 Cook
SIO 60Experiences in Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences  
SIO 65Geosciences Seminar W25 Cook
SIO 73Dynamics of the Atmosphere and ClimateSP24 Lutsko 
SIO 75Geological History of EarthSP24 Norris 
SIO 87First-year Seminars

FA23 Cook Minerals

FA23 Cook Volcano

FA23 Norris

W24 Aburto

SP24 Morzfeld/Feddersen

SP24 Cook Volcanoes

SP24 Cook Rocks

FA 24 Drugs From Sea -  Gerwick

FA 24 Language of Ocean - Jensen

FA 24 87 Minerals - Cook

FA 24 87 Volcanoes - Cook

FA 24 Wright

FA 24   J. Norris

W25 Cook Minerals and Gems

W25 Aburto

SIO 90Undergraduate Seminar  
SIO 100Introduction to Field MethodsFA23 NorrisFA 24 Odlum
SIO 101California Coastal Oceanography FA 24 Aluwihare 24 
SIO 102Introduction to Geochemistry W25 Day
SIO 103Introduction to GeophysicsFA23 ParnellTurnerFA 24 Parnell Turner
SIO 104Paleobiology and History of Life  
SIO 105Sedimentology and StratigraphyFA23 DriscollFA 24 Driscoll
SIO 106Introduction to Hydrogeology  
SIO 108Introduction to Paleoclimatology FA 24 Aarons
SIO 109Bending Curve: Climate Change  
SIO 110Introduction to GIS and GPS for Scientists FA 24 Batchelor
SIO 111Introduction to Ocean WavesW24 Feddersen 
SIO 113Introduction to Computational Earth ScienceSP24 May 
SIO 115Ice and the Climate SystemW24 Fricker 
SIO 116Climate Change & Global Health W25 Benmarhnia
SIO 117The Physical Basis of Global WarmingFA23 KeelingFA 24 Keeling
SIO 119Physics and Chemistry of the Oceans W25 Andersson
SIO 120Introduction to MineralogyW24 CookW25 Cook
SIO 121Biology of the Cryosphere  
SIO 122Ecological Development Biology  
SIO 123Microbial Environmental Systems Biology W25 A. Allen
SIO 124Marine Natural ProductsFA23 Jensen 
SIO 125Biomechanics of Marine Life  
SIO 126Marine MicrobiologyW24 PalenikW25 Palenik
SIO 127Marine Molecular Ecology  
SIO 128Microbial Life in Extreme EnvironmentsSP24 Bartlett 
SIO 131Parasitology  
SIO 132Introduction to Marine Biology FA 24 Kacev
SIO 133Marine Mammal Biology W25 Bauman Pickering
SIO 134Introduction to Biological Oceanography  
SIO 135Satellite Remote SensingSP24 Fricker 
SIO 136Marine Biology Laboratory FA 24 Kacev
SIO 137Ecosystems and FisheriesFA23 Petrik 
SIO 138The Coral Reef Environment  
SIO 139Current Research in Marine BiologyW24 Palenik 
SIO 141Chemical Principles of Marine Systems  
SIO 143Ocean AcidificationSP24 Andersson 
SIO 144Introduction to Isotope GeochemistryW24 DayW25 Day
SIO 147Applications of PhylogeneticsFA23 Rouse 
SIO 152Petrology and PetrographySP24 Chin 
SIO 153GeomorphologySP24 Capaldi 
SIO 155Whole Earth Geochemistry  
SIO 160Introduction to Tectonics

FA23 Fialko

SP24 Odlum

SIO 161Seismology W24 Fan 
SIO 162Structural GeologyW24 WrightW25 Wright
SIO 164Introduction to Marine Archeology  
SIO 166Introduction to Environmental Archaeology  
SIO 167Introduction to Geoarcheology  
SIO 170Introduction to VolcanologyFA23 CookFA 24 Cook
SIO 171Introduction to Physical Oceanography FA 24 Rudnick
SIO 172Introduction to Atmospheric ScienceW24 NorrisW25 Norris
SIO 173Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Climate  
SIO 174Chemistry of the Ocean and AtmosphereSP24 Aluwihare 
SIO 175Analysis of Oceanic and Atmospheric DataFA23 MerrifieldFA 24 Merrifield
SIO 176Observational Physical Oceanography  
SIO 177Fluid Mechanics FA23 BeckerFA 24 Becker 
SIO 178Geophyiscal Fluid DynamicsW24 BeckerW25 Becker
SIO 179Ocean Instruments and SensorsFA23 MartzFA 24 Martz
SIO 180Communicating Science to Informal Audiences  
SIO 181Marine BiochemistrySP24 Treguerres 
SIO 182Environmental and Exploration GeophysicsW24 Constable 
SIO 183Phycology: Marine Plant BiologyW24 Smith 
SIO 184Marine InvertebratesW24 Rouse 
SIO 186Microbiomes Across EnvironmentsFA23 Gilbert/Knight/Allard 
SIO 187Statistical Methods in Marine Biology  
SIO 188Biology of Fishes FA 24 Arcila
SIO 189Pollution, Environment and Health  
SIO 190Special Topics in Earth Sciences W25 Sandin
SIO 192Senior Seminar on Oceans and Human Health SP24 Gerwick 
SIO 299Graduate Thesis Research and Professional DevelopmentW24 Multiple 
SIOC 200AComputational Ocean Acoustics and Signal Processing IFA23 Lin 
SIOC 200BOcean Acoustics and Signal Processing IIW24 Lin 
SIOC 200COcean Acoustics and Signal Processing III W25 Lin
SIOC 201Geological Record of Climate Change  
SIOC 202AFundamentals of Wave PhysicsW24 Hao&LinW25 Hao&Lin
SIOC 202BFundamentals of Wave PhysicsSP24 Stramski 
SIOC 203AIntroduction to Applied Mathematics IFA23 BeckerFA 24 Becker
SIOC 203BIntroduction to Applied Mathematics IIW24 SmithW25 Smith
SIOC 203CIntroduction to Applied Mathematics III  
SIOC 204Acoustics  
SIOC 205Estuarine and Coastal ProcessesSP24 Giddings 
SIOC 207AFundamentals of Digital Signal Processing FA 24 Meyer
SIOC 207BDigital Signal Processing I W25 Meyer
SIOC 207CDigital Signal Processing II  
SIOC 207DArray Processing  
SIOC 208Seminar in Applied Ocean SciencesSP24 Merrifield

FA 24 Merrifield

W25 Merrifield

SIOC 209Special Topics: Fall Quarter  
SIOC 209Special Topics: Winter Quarter 

W25 Benmarhnia

W25 Siegelman

SIOC 209Special Topics: Spring Quarter  
SIOC 210Physical Oceanography  
SIOC 211AOcean Waves I W25 Mackinnon
SIOC 211BOcean Waves II  
SIOC 212AGeophysical Fluid Dynamics IW24 EisenmanW25 Eisenman
SIOC 212BGeophysical Fluid Dynamics IISP24 Cessi 
SIOC 213Turbulence and Mixing  
SIOC 214AIntroduction to Fluid Mechanics FA 24 Giddings
SIOC 214BEnvironmental Fluid Dynamics  
SIOC 216Introduction to the Physics of Complex Systems  
SIOC 217AAtmospheric and Climate Sciences I FA 24 Evan
SIOC 217BAtmospheric and Climate Sciences IIW24 NorrisW25 Norris
SIOC 217CAtmospheric and Climate Sciences IIISP24 Lutsko 
SIOC 217DAtmospheric and Climate Sciences IVW24 Russell&KeelingW25 Keeling
SIOC 218AObservational MethodsSP24 Send 
SIOC 218BPractical Methods at Sea  
SIOC 219Special Topics in Physical Oceanography: Fall Quarter  
SIOC 219Special Topics in Physical Oceanography: Winter Quarter W25 Mackinnon & Young
SIOC 219Special Topics in Physical Oceanography: Spring Quarter  
SIOC 219Observational Oceanography Seminar  
SIOC 220Observations of Large-Scale Ocean Circulation  
SIOC 221AAnalysis of Physical Oceanographic Data (A)

FA23 Alford

W24 Alford

FA 24 MacKinnon
SIOC 221BAnalysis of Physical Oceanographic Data (B)W24 GilleW25 Gille
SIOC 221CData Analysis Laboratory  
SIOC 223Proposal Writing W25 Merrifield&Send
SIOC 224Numerical Modeling of the Climate SystemSP24 Eisenman 
SIOC 225Ice Sheet-Ocean Interactions  
SIOC 235Ocean Atmosphere InteractionSP24 Xie 
SIOC 237AIntroduction to Ocean OpticsW24 Stramski 
SIOC 237BOcean Color Remote Sensing W25 Stramski
SIOC 241Advanced Signal Processing  
SIOC 251Radiation in the AtmosphereSP24 Evan 
SIOC 261Nearshore Physical Oceanography  
SIOC 267Biogeochemistry  
SIOC 293Ocean and Atmosphere Processes and Climate  
SIOC 296Special Topics: Climate Science & Policy Forum  
SIOG 200CGeophysics Research Skills IIIFA23 ParnellTurnerFA 24 Constable
SIOG 221Plate Tectonics in PracticeSP24 Parnell-Turner 
SIOG 222Introduction to Industry Seismic Reflection Methods and Applications  
SIOG 223AGeophysical Data Analysis IFA23 MorzfeldFA 24 Morzfeld
SIOG 223BGeophysical Data Analysis II  
SIOG 224Internal Constitution of the Earth  
SIOG 225Physics of Earth MaterialsFA23 Fialko 
SIOG 227AIntroduction to Seismology  
SIOG 227BAdvanced Seismology I  
SIOG 228Research Seminar FA 24 Hechinger
SIOG 229Fundamentals of Gravity and Geodesy  W25 Borsa
SIOG 230Introduction to Inverse Theory  
SIOG 231Geomagnetism and Electromagnetism W24 Constable 
SIOG 232Ethical and Professional ScienceSP24 Constable 
SIOG 233Introduction to Computing at SIOFA23 Shearer 
SIOG 234GeodynamicsSP24 Sandwell 
SIOG 235 Computational Inverse ProblemsW24 Morzfeld 
SIOG 236Satellite Remote Sensing  
SIOG 237Space Geodesy Seminar W25 Fialko
SIOG 239Special Topics in Geophysics: Fall QuarterSP24 May 
SIOG 239Special Topics in Geophysics: Winter QuarterW24 Shearer 
SIOG 239Special Topics in Geophysics: Spring Quarter  
SIOG 240Marine Geology FA 24 Parnell Turner
SIOG 242Geochronologic Methods and Applications  
SIOG 249Special Topics in Marine Geology  
SIOG 251Whole Earth Geochemistry  
SIOG 252AIntroduction to Isotope Geochemistry  
SIOG 253Interactions of Oceanic Plates and the California Margin  
SIOG 255Paleobiology and History of Life  
SIOG 260Marine Chemistry  
SIOG 261Introduction to Rheology of Solid Earth  
SIOG 263Aqueous Chemistry  
SIOG 268Seminar in Geochemistry and Marine Chemistry  
SIOG 267Marine Chemistry lab FA 24 Martz
SIOG 269Special Topics in Marine Chemistry: Fall Quarter  
SIOG 269Special Topics in Marine Chemistry: Winter Quarter  
SIOG 269Special Topics in Marine Chemistry: Spring Quarter  
SIOG 270The Archeology of Climate Change  
SIOG 275Paleoethnobotany  
SIOB 218Ocean & Coastal Law and Policy FA 24 Murray
SIOB 242AMarine Biotechnology I: Tools and Methods  
SIOB 242BMarine Biotechnology II: ApplicationsW24 Jenson&Moore 
SIOB 242CMarine Biotechnology III: Intro to Bioinformatics  
SIOB 243Marine Paleoecology  
SIOB 262Marine Chemical Biology Seminar

FA23 Jensen

SP24 Gerwick

SIOB 264Biosynthesis of Marine Natural Products  
SIOB 265Marine Chemical Ecology W25 Jensen
SIOB 270Pelagic Ecology  
SIOB 271Marine Zooplankton  
SIOB 272Advanced Statistical TechniquesW24 SandinW25 Sandin
SIOB 273Professional Ethics in Science  
SIOB 274Natural History Below the Tides  
SIOB 275ABenthic Ecology FA 24 Leichter
SIOB 276Quantitative Theory of Populations and Communities  
SIOB 276LQuantitative Ecology Project Lab W25 Sugihara
SIOB 277Deep-Sea Biology  
SIOB 278Seminar in Ocean Biosciences: Fall QuarterFA23 Decima 
SIOB 278Seminar in Ocean Biosciences: Winter Quarter  
SIOB 278Seminar in Ocean Biosciences: Spring QuarterSP24 Arcila 
SIOB 280Biological Oceanography  
SIOB 281Environmental Physiology and Biochemistry of Marine Organisms FA 24  Tresguerres
SIOB 282Phytoplankton Diversity  
SIOB 283Phycology: Marine Plant Biology  
SIOB 284Marine Invertebrates  
SIOB 285Physical-Biological Interactions  
SIOB 286Topics in Marine Science, Economics and Policy  
SIOB 289Pollution, Environment, and Health  
SIOB 291Biology Graduate Research PresentationsSP24 Hechinger 
SIOB 292Communicating Science to Informal Audiences  
SIOB 294Biology of Fishes  
SIOB 296Special Topics in Marine Biology: Fall Quarter

FA23 Brazier

W24 Batchelor

SP24 Mongiardino

SIOB 296Special Topics in Marine Biology: Winter Quarter  
SIOB 296Special Topics in Marine Biology: Spring Quarter  
SIOB 298Special Studies in marine Sciences W25 Rouse
SIO 295SIntroduction to Marine Biodiversity and Conservation—Seminar  
SIO 295LSIntroduction to Marine Biodiversity and Conservation—Lab  
MBC 258Marine Conservation and Communication Practicum 1  
ESYS 10Environmental Systems Program W25 Shipp
ESYS 90Undergraduate Seminar  
ESYS 101Environmental BiologyFA23 Allen/TaylorFA 24 Taylor
ESYS 102The Solid and Fluid Earth W25 Haase
ESYS 103Environmental Challenges: Science and Solutions  
ESYS 187ASenior Internship Project FA 24 Hetherington
ESYS 187BSenior Internship Project II   
CCS 101Carbon Neutrality Initiative at University of CaliforniaFA23 Polonik 
CCS 102Research Perspectives on Climate Change  
CCS 123Policy/Politics Climate ChangeW24 Corey 
MBC 259Marine Biodiversity and Conservation W25 Murray