Student Groups & Committees

SIO Graduate Student Council

The SIO Graduate Student Council is a single voice to represent the interests of all students at SIO to the department at large. The Committee is led by a 3rd-year and a 2nd-year co-chair, who are in charge of supporting student activities with funds made available by GSA. The co-chairs organize one meeting every Fall and Spring quarter to discuss student concerns and plans for action. If you would like to be involved or make suggestion, please contact the co-chairs or your curriculum group representatives.

For current membership and more information on the council, please visit their website.


TG is held on Fridays, starting at 5pm, in Surfside. Every week, anyone from the SIO community can volunteer to host and serve beer, providing SIO with an opportunity to socialize. SIO IDs are required, but one guest can be invited. Guests must be accompanied by their SIO contacts at the door. TG is a wonderful tradition that is maintained through donations. If you enjoy a beer, don’t forget to donate!


Student Groups

SIO is home to a number of student organized groups.  These groups range from formally recognized organizations to informal get-togethers.  This Google sheet list serves as an overview of different groups. If you are part of a group that is not listed, or if you organizing a new group and would like to be included, please contact Gilbert Bretado.