Student Resources


Career Planning

Career Services

Scripps Oceangraphy partners with Career Services to bring Graduate Student Advisors Giulia Hoffman and Joel Tolson to campus each quarter for one-on-one career advising sessions. The dates of these sessions and instructions on how to register are coordinated by the SIO Department. 

Meet with Vanessa Scott, Scripps Director of Corporate Affiliates, Business Development, Industry Outreach, and Innovation to discuss industry careers and startup resources.  Visit the Scripps Business website to find a short list of industry jobs posted by Scripps industry contacts and other job boards.

Create a professional profile in the Scripps Talent Recruitment Portal featuring your resume and LinkedIn profile: (must access with UC San Diego Gmail). Information will be viewable by corporate members of Scripps Corporate Alliance for targeted recruitment to open positions. Students may opt-in to have information appear in this portal.

In addition, Career Services hosts a variety of workshops, panel discussions, and job fairs. We heard strong recommendations for the Questioning Career Transition Group (QCTG). It's great advice and a good way to network across campus!



grAdvantage is coordinated through Graduate Division and offers ongoing programming to help grad students develop essential leadership, teamwork and communication skills to become successful leaders in their field.  grAdvantage offers a certificate course in leadership and teamwork and hosts weekly workshops, and periodic guest speakers from industry.


The Commons

The Teaching + Learning Commons (The Commons) is dedicated to the theory, practice, and scholarship of teaching and learning.

Their Programs for Grad Students goal is to inspire and advance teaching excellence through evidence-based, learner-centered, and equitable teaching practices.

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Scripps IT

Scripps IT offers a variety of services to answer your computing needs. Make sure you register your laptop with them and ask about backup options. Your thesis work should always be in two separate locations, many have learned this the hard way!

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Mailing Lists (List Servers)

The following public email distribution lists have been created for your use. It is mandatory that you be subscribed to the or mailing list, and the student mailing list for your curricular group at all times. You are added automatically upon acceptance to Scripps. Should you have any questions regarding public email distribution lists, please contact the Graduate Coordinator, Gilbert Bretado.

Subscribe or unsubscribe to these (and other) public mailing lists.

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Staff Council Committees

Want to make sure that student interest on an issue you care about is well represented? Volunteer for a Council Committee! A call for student representatives should go out each fall, but it is uncertain how accurate that is. Just reach out!

For information on how to join any of the Staff Council Committees, please contact the Scripps Department Manager at 858.534.4794.

The following is a list of committees at Scripps:

  • Aquarium-Museum Panel
  • Director’s Space Advisory Committee
  • Diving Control Board
  • Editorial and Publications Committee
  • Experimental Aquarium Facility Advisory Committee
  • Geological Data Center Steering Committee
  • Heritage Committee
  • Hydraulic Facility Panel
  • Library Committee
  • Marine Operations Committee
  • Marine Sciences Development Shop Committee
  • Marine Sciences Physical Planning Committee
  • Oceanographic Collections Committee
  • Scripps Safety Committee
  • SIO Computing Committee Unified Laboratory Facilities Panel

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For assistance with UC San Diego Library resources, such as books, ebooks, journal articles, databases (Web of Science, BIOSIS, GeoRef, etc.), or services, such as reference assistance, locating citations, requesting delivery of print publications from the Geisel Library or Biomedical Library buildings to the SIO campus (Eckart building), reporting problems with access to online resources, or organizing references (e.g. EndNote), please contact the Scripps Institution of Oceanography liaison librarian, Amy Butros

Accessible student course reserves are housed in the Eckart building lobby, on the second floor (outside of the printer room 220B). The Scripps campus pick-up and drop-off location for library materials delivered from the UC San Diego Library site is located on the second floor of the Eckart Building.

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Course Reserves

Current list of course reserves for the quarter

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Scientific Diving

If you require diving for your research, you will need to be cleared for scientific diving by the Diving Safety Officer, Christian McDonald. Scientific diving courses are usually offered in June and September.

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Safety Escort

Did you know that UC San Diego offers free safety escorts between sunset and 1:30 A.M. If you are nervous about the idea of walking alone in the dark, give them a call at (858) 534- WALK (9255).

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Birch Aquarium


Scripps Institution of Oceanography graduate students may receive a complimentary one-year membership to BAS.  Eligibility is based on current, active enrollment as an SIO graduate student and the complimentary offer may be renewed each student year.

To receive the membership card along with 4 guest passes, students must present their UC San Diego student ID card at the Birch Aquarium Visitor Services office. The office is open every day, 9:00am - 4:30pm.  Students must come each year to renew their complimentary membership and receive additional guest passes.

Students may only park in the BAS 3-hour lot when they are visiting the aquarium or part of an Aquarium program. Membership does not entitle annual free parking for students.  Unfortunately, we are not able to allow SIO faculty, staff, or students to use the BAS visitor lot when not specifically visiting the BAS.



Volunteers welcome guests of all ages, engage them in learning about marine life and our connection to the planet as well as the role we play in conserving it.
All positions require attendance at a new applicant Open House which is offered quarterly. Volunteers are asked to make a minimum six month commitment of one 4 hour shift per week. 
Learn more and apply online here or contact us for more information,


About Birch

Birch Aquarium at Scripps is the public exploration center for the world-renowned Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego. Perched on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, the aquarium features more than 60 habitats of fishes and invertebrates from the cold waters of the Pacific Northwest to the tropical waters of Mexico and beyond. An oceanography museum showcases research discoveries by Scripps scientists on climate, earth and ocean science and includes five dozen interactive elements.


Our mission

  • to provide ocean science education
  • to interpret Scripps research
  • to promote ocean conservation

Birch Aquarium provides ocean science education through creative exhibits, programs, and activities designed to help visitors use critical thinking, and to make science relevant to their daily lives.

Birch Aquarium interprets Scripps Institution of Oceanography research, emphasizing the interdisciplinary nature of the science used to study Earth, and inspiring public support of scientific endeavors.

Birch Aquarium promotes conservation through education and research, believing that with increased understanding of the ocean, people will respect and protect the marine environment.

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Help and Advice

Student Mentors

First-year students will be matched with student mentors prior to the beginning of the fall quarter and should expect to hear from them before arriving at Scripps unless they are starting very early. In addition to informal meetings, mentors and their mentees will be invited to social events and special seminars during the academic year. You can find a summary of the program, as well find contact information for the leadership team here.



Scripps students have access to two divisions of ombuds: Department ombuds and university ombuds.

The SIO Department ombuds are available to provide general advice and guidance to help you succeed in your graduate program. If you need to talk to someone about work or personal issues that affect you, they can be a good starting point. At Scripps, the two department ombuds are:

In addition, the UC San Diego Office of the Ombuds provides confidential, neutral, and informal dispute resolution services for the UC San Diego community. The office is available to assist students who seek guidance with the resolution of academic or administrative issues and disputes. The office works to facilitate communication and assist parties in reaching mutually acceptable agreements in order to find fair and equitable resolutions to concerns that arise at the university. The ombuds office also reports general trends of issues and provides feedback throughout the organization, and advocates systems change when appropriate without disclosing confidential communications.

To make an appointment, please call 858-534-0777.

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