Seminars, Applied Ocean Science

AOS Seminar: Hunter Akins, 'Mode Estimation to Perform Ignorant Localization'

Hunter Akins

Hunter Akins

DateThursday, April 28, 2022 | 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
LocationSpiess 330 (Masks Required)
ContactAustin Barnes |
This week's AOS seminar will feature our very own Hunter Akins! Please join us in person (masks required for everyone) at Spiess 330 on Thursday, April 28, 4-5pm Pacific if you can make it. We will provide snacks after the presentation! There is a zoom option as well, please see below for the link.

Title: Mode estimation to perform ignorant localization


Abstract: Passive source localization (just listening, no "pinging") is possible in underwater acoustics due to the complex interaction of sound with the environment. The major caveat is that you have to accurately model the environment to take advantage of the complexity. In shallow water environments and at low frequency, sound is modeled with normal modes. A model for the seafloor (geoacoustic model) is required to calculate these modes. However a seafloor model can be hard to obtain. I present a method for using the water-column sound speed profile (SSP) and noise from a ship of opportunity to extract the normal modes, effectively replacing the need for a geoacoustic model. The method is demonstrated on SWellEx-96 experiment data, and the extracted normal modes are used for localization.


Bio: Hunter is a fourth-year student in the AOS program at Scripps, advised by Bill Kuperman and Bruce Cornuelle. His favorite movie is Roadhouse (1989), his favorite flavor of ice cream is pistacchio, and his research is on passive sonar signal processing methods for source localization and environment estimation. Contact:

Spring 2022 All-star Seminar Lineup
Note: all seminars will be offered in a hybrid format
Join us in-person (masks required for everyone) in Spiess 330 from 4-5pm Pacific Time, or join by zoom. Snacks will be provided outside of the seminar room after the conclusion of the seminar.
April 14: Andrew Parlier
April 21: Jacob DeFilippis
April 28: Hunter Akins
May 5: TBD
May 12: Billy Jenkins & Matthew Kehrli
May 19: Eric Snyder
May 26: Anjali Narayanan
June 2: Ryan Saenger & Bofu Zheng
For previous recordings, visit this link and let us know if you have access issues.
Event Type