
CASPO Seminar: Dr. Lily Hahn (SIO)

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DateWednesday, October 11, 2023 | 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Location101 Nierenberg Hall
ContactBrandon Duran |

Title: Understanding Seasonal Asymmetry in Polar Climate Change

Talk Abstract: The Arctic has warmed up to four times faster than the global average in recent decades, with far-reaching impacts on local ecosystems and global climate. Yet there is still debate over the drivers of polar-amplified warming, how they interact with each other, and their relative importance. To better understand the mechanisms of polar climate change, we investigate its seasonal asymmetries—why does the Arctic warm more in winter than in summer, and what are the causes and impacts of seasonality in poleward heat transport? We leverage idealized and comprehensive climate models to identify key mechanisms of polar climate change and its seasonal asymmetries.

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