Scripps Technical Forum

CTD Deployments and anti-fouling

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DateFriday, April 28, 2017 | 12:00 PM

James Walton
Sales Manager
email: james.walton at

James Walton, sales manager of AML Oceanographic (formerly Applied Microsystems Limited) will talk about some interesting CTD deployments in Canada and Kuwait and then go on to discuss UV based anti-fouling techniques.

AML is based near Victoria, Canada and is an innovative manufacturer of Sound Velocity, CTD and environmental sensors, probes and instruments. AML’s success story originated with developing UV protected CTDs for the Smart Oceans project run by Ocean Networks Canada. Their UV biofouling protection technology was developed and tested with the help of the Folger Pinnacle node on the NEPTUNE cabled observatory, and soon after concluding the test there AML supplied 5 CTDs to be deployed on Smart Oceans. They made one or two mistakes along the way, and James will recount the story of the sale, what went wrong, what they did to fix it, and an example of a later sale to another customer where they learned from their previous mistakes.

Mr. Walton has a BSc in Electrical Engineering from the University of Alberta, and lived in Japan for 6 years. James joined the AML sales team in 2011, and is currently sales manager for environmental and science-related projects globally, supporting the regional sales people, agents and resellers.

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