Paul Hubbard, Senior Developer, San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
Paul Hubbard will discuss the open-source DataTurbine initiative at UCSD/SDSC. It is an NSF-funded collaborative effort to build middleware to collect streaming data. The centerpiece is the recently open-sourced DataTurbine from Creare Inc, a Java-based network ring buffer descended from a NASA telemetry project. Today, it's being used in a wide variety of settings and presents a compelling solution for many domains. This talk will cover technical details on the server, its capabilities and limitations, data sources and sinks, code interfaces and time permitting a demonstration of its use. Further information on DataTurbine can be found at http://dataturbine.org/
Paul Hubbard is a senior developer at SDSC in the CLEOS group, who has been working on streaming data since 2002. He is co-PI on the current NSF SDCI grant that is funding the DataTurbine initiative.