As part of Paul Hoffman's Kyoto Prize visit to Scripps, there will be a geological walk along Black's Beach to look at rocks in the cliffs that have recently been identified to have evidence about the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum 55 million years ago. The walk is open to everyone at Scripps and UC San Diego, and it will also include students and faculty from SDSU. It will be led by an SDSU geologist.
Date: Friday, March 14, 2025, 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Location: We will meet at 2 p.m. at the bottom of the lifeguard access road that goes from La Jolla Farms Rd. down to Black's Beach. Here is a link to this location on Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/tkMV8ZaS5Mg2HBfq7 .
Getting there: This is a 3/4-mile walk north along the beach from Scripps Pier, assuming the tide is low enough to pass to Black's Beach (it looks like it probably will be). You can also park on La Jolla Farms Rd. and walk down the lifeguard access road, which is gated. We have access to the gate and can also drive people directly to the location as needed, although vehicles will then need to be driven back up the hill and parked on La Jolla Farms Rd. Please email Ian Eisenman (eisenman@ucsd.edu) if you would like a ride to the location.
If you plan to attend, you are encouraged to register at https://forms.gle/R8PqxUXYSEou6V6p8 just so we have a sense of the head count, but there is not a cap on attendees and registration is not mandatory.