Seminars, Scripps Only

Institutional Seminar Series

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DateWednesday, February 24, 2021 | 1:00 PM

Institutional Seminar Series

Wednesday, February 24
via Zoom (Link to be sent morning of)

1:00 p.m. Talks begin w/ Q&A

Luc Lenain -  Multi-scale Observations of Air-Sea Interaction

Over the last several decades, there has been growing recognition from both the oceanographic and atmospheric science communities that processes taking place in the vicinity of the ocean surface play a crucial role in the interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean.  To better understand the complex, multi-scale couplings that drive the air-sea fluxes of mass (e.g. gases, aerosols), momentum (e.g. generation of waves and currents) and energy (e.g. heat and kinetic energy for currents and mixing), spatio-temporal observations of these processes are critically needed.  Over the past few years, novel observational systems, such as instrumented uncrewed surface and aerial vehicles, have emerged and revolutionized our ability to characterize air-sea interaction processes.  In this talk, I will discuss recent scientific advances made possible by measurements acquired using a unique combination of remote sensing platforms, in-situ and laboratory observational approaches.

Nathalie Zilberman -  Deep-ocean circulation in the Southwest Pacific Ocean interior using Deep Argo data

Regional pilot arrays of Deep Argo floats have been implemented in all deep ocean basins to define the technical capability of Deep Argo floats and sensors to resolve the spatial and seasonal-to-interannual variability of deep ocean properties and circulation. In this talk, I will present new results on the deep ocean circulation over the abyssal plains of the Southwest Pacific Ocean interior, between the Tonga Kermadec Ridge and the East Pacific Rise, based on 4 years of Deep Argo data. This work describes the complementary relationship of Deep Argo to other elements of the global ocean observing system, including deep ocean moorings and repeat hydrography. 


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