Ocean Observing for Ocean Sustainability
Many challenges face the ocean and the planet today – in the realms of climate change, fisheries, energy and mineral resources, biodiversity, human health, pollution and more. Solutions to these challenges will come from a deeper understanding of the ocean, its dynamics and vulnerabilities. Observations of ocean physics, biogeochemistry, marine life, human interactions and disturbances underpin the ability to effectively benefit from and conserve the ocean. Under the Decade for Ocean Science, ocean observing has tackled integration of disciplines and communities, technological innovation, generational shifts in ocean leadership, and improved access, equity, and capacity for many nations.
This session held at the United Nations Ocean Conference will give voice to many perspectives on ocean observing needs, with particular emphasis on island nations. Small island state representatives and others will evaluate progress made and identify needs, opportunities and priority actions going forward. Representatives of key ocean observing institutions will provide feedback on how their institutions can work together to address these needs.
9h00 Opening by Margaret Leinen (Director, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego), USA; Ocean Decade Advisory Board): Ocean Observing and the Ocean Decade
9h00-11h00 Status and Challenges for Ocean Observation
- Toste Tanhua (GOOS co-chair; GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany): A permanent program to coordinate and support international cooperation for sustained ocean observing - the Global Ocean Observing System, GOOS.
- Lisa Levin (Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative DOSI; Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego): Observing the Deep for Science and Society - the Deep Ocean Observing Strategy
- Corinne Almeida (UTA, Cabo Verde; Decade Project WASCAL-CV)
- Leopoldo Cavaleri Gerhardinger (ERC Tradition: Institute of Environmental Science and Technology - Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain): Building knowledge networks across coastal Brazil to advance new types of voluntary engagement for improved governability of emerging oceans issues.
- Erin Satterthwaite (California Sea Grant & Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego): Marine ecosystem observations to support sustainability and resilience
Moderator: Margaret Leinen
10h00 Panel discussion: Small Island Development Countries (SIDS) Perspectives: Needs and Opportunities: Political Statements and Institutional Collaboration to Advance Ocean Observing for Sustainability
- Ambassador Ronald Jumeau (Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Ambassador for Climate Change, Republic of Seychelles)
- Ambassaddor Satyendra Prasad (Representative of Fiji to the United Nations)
- Excellency Ocean Minister Abraão Vicente (tbc), Minister of Culture and Creative Industries and Minister of the Sea. Cabo Verde
- Margaret Leinen (Director, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, USA)
- Katja Matthes (Director, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany)
- Francois Houllier (Director, IFREMER, France)
- Angela Hatton (Director of Data, Science and Technology and Chief Scientist at National Oceanography Centre, UK)
- Peter DeMenocal (President and Director, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA)
Moderator: Emma Heslop (GOOS Acting Office Director)
10h50 Closing words - Katja Matthes
For more location details: Pavilhão do Conhecimento.