Seminars, Polar Seminar

Polar Seminar: Jacob Buffo - It’s a Hard Knock Life (In Ice): The Challenges Faced by Ice Dwelling Organisms and Implications for Astrobiology

DateThursday, April 07, 2022 | 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
LocationHybrid (Revelle 4301/Zoom)
ContactEmelia Chamberlain |

Please join us on zoom or in person for this week's hybrid Polar Hour with Dr. Jacob Buffo (Dartmouth College).

Talk Title: It’s a Hard Knock Life (In Ice): The Challenges Faced by Ice Dwelling Organisms and Implications for Astrobiology

Abstract: There are abundant and thriving ecosystems in many ice-rich environments on Earth (e.g., sea ice, permafrost, glaciers). Moreover, many high priority astrobiology targets (e.g., Europa, Enceladus, Titan, Mars) are likely characterized by ice-ocean or ice-brine systems. However, the organisms in these environments are continuously subjected to an array of environmental stressors associated with the multiphase nature and extreme temperatures of ice (e.g., water availability, water chemistry, freezing) that can limit the spatial and temporal habitability of these environments. Here, I discuss the role ocean/brine chemistry can play in both the thermophysical evolution and habitability of unique ice-brine systems on Earth and the implications this has for where to search for life throughout the solar system.


All welcome to join, listen, discuss, and build community!

Event Type