Industry, Seminars

Scripps Technical Forum - Nortek - Expanding research capabilities with advanced, multi-functional Doppler systems

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DateWednesday, July 14, 2021 | 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Long gone are the days when Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) did only what its name says: profile currents. ADCPs today offer an ever increasing toolbox of capabilities that help researchers expand their reach and solve complex ocean dynamics problems. But bridging the gap between what’s technical possible and how that can be used to solve a specific question is not always straightforward. With a 25+ year history in designing innovative Doppler instrumentation, Nortek will present how its products have been used to address a wide range of applications, from turbulence in shallow water, to biomass estimation in Antarctica, to wave measurements in the tropics, to sediment dynamics in shipping channels, and much more (yes, including profiling currents).

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