Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Seminars

SeaTech Symposium

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DateTuesday, May 10, 2022 | 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM
LocationSumner Hall
ContactNatalie Posdaljian

Please join us (online or in-person!) Tuesday, May 10th for a student research symposium exploring marine mammal acoustics, presented by students from the Mt. Edgecumbe High School in Sitka, Alaska and Oakland Technical High School in Oakland, CA. The symposium will take place on the gorgeous campus of Scripps Institution of Oceanography (masks required), and virtual attendees are welcome!
These students have contributed significantly to marine mammal research through an internship and technology training program, called SeaTech. In this program, high school students work with active researchers, learning to analyze acoustic data, compile results, and share their findings through oral presentations. This year students will deliver new results on the acoustic behavior of marine mammals in the Gulf of Alaska, Canadian Arctic, and the California Current Ecosystem.

Join us on May 10th to meet this exceptional and culturally diverse group of students, their dedicated science teacher, and the scientists who work closely with them. Learn what these young researchers have found in long-term recordings of underwater sound and find out how the SeaTech program is working to provide a depth of experience in oceanography to motivated high school students from communities around the states of Alaska and California. We invite all interested students, faculty, researchers, along with friends and families to join. This event is a good opportunity for anyone interested in marine mammals, acoustics, or exploring collaborative approaches to science-based education and outreach.

In-person attendees will be asked to wear masks inside Sumner Auditorium.

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