
Triton Table Talk: Building Your Professional Brand

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DateTuesday, November 09, 2021 | 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM



Perceptions and impressions matter, and your professional brand is important to a current or future employer and anyone within your network who can help you find a job or grow your career. It takes time to build a solid presence that reflects who you are and what you do, and should be something that you continually work to refine. Join us for a conversation about creating and polishing a professional brand that will further your career ambitions.

Conversation Moderator:
Brandon Rivera, Alumni Board Operations Specialist at UC San Diego

* Angie Zhou, MIA '17, Engineering Recruiter for Airbnb

* Maryam Motamedi, MPIA '04, Sr. Lead, Strategic Partner Product Management for AT&T

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