Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Women and Minorities in Science

WMIS Student Seminar Series

SIO WMIS Student Seminar Series
DateWednesday, September 09, 2020 | 2:00 PM

Have you ever felt like you met so many people in other curricular groups during your early days at SIO but now haven't seen them in so long or have any idea what they do or are interested in? Have you ever thought, "Wow those MAS students do such cool work, I want to engage with them more"? Are you sad that COVID has cancelled your plans to attend or speak at S^3? Are you even more sad that work from home has limited your interaction with people at SIO? Are you new and afraid you won't have as many chances to engage with others at SIO??


If you answered YES to any of those questions then come check out the new Student Seminar Series hosted by WMIS. This month features science talks by Natalie Posdaljian and Ashley Nicoll. Please RSVP to join. 


This series is formatted 'Nerd Nite' style where 2-3 students give short, engaging and entertaining presentations about themselves and their research and/or scientific topic of interest. The goal here is to connect with each other and learn more about all the cool work that happens at SIO! Fill out the form here to present or nominate a friend!

Event Type