Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Women in STEM and Cultural Transformation: A Discussion with Prof. Amrah Salomón

Women's Herstory Month

Women's Herstory Month

DateTuesday, March 30, 2021 | 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
ContactKeiara Auzenne | scrippsdiversity@sio.ucsd.edu

Scripps EDI Team presents a documentary viewing & discussion related to intersectional women's issues

Please join us with for an intersectional event, hosted in honor of Women’s History Month. This event will center around the viewing of “Cultural Criticism and Transformation”, which we encourage you to watch separately beforehand. The event itself will feature a discussion about intersectional women’s issues, with Q&A moderated by Dr. Salomón, interspersed with breakout rooms and opportunities for participants to engage with one another. We hope you will join us!

This virtual event will be hosted live, followed by Q&A

Register here.

A NOTE ABOUT VIDEO ACCESS - to access the documentary via UCSD-Kanopy, you will need to log on using your UC San Diego VPN.

Event Type