News archives

Sree portrait by pier

Scripps Student Spotlight: Sree Gopal

Recent MAS MBC graduate researched coastal management and policy within blue carbon ecosystems and sea-level rise adaptation

James Riddell headshot

Scripps Student Spotlight: James Riddell

Recent graduate of marine biology undergrad program helps identify viruses using bioinformatics tools from hydrothermal vents

Portrait of a smiling woman with long brown hair; she is seen near a pier.

Scripps Student Spotlight: Chanel Robles

MAS MBC student researches the roles of green sea turtles in Baja California

Dante Capone headshot

Scripps Student Spotlight: Dante Capone

PhD student researches how California wildfires affect coastal marine plankton

Scripps Student Spotlight: Natalie Posdaljian

PhD student examines marine mammal acoustics as a signal of greater changes in the ecosystem

Jeremy portrait in front of Scripps Pier

Scripps Student Spotlight: Jeremy Wing Ching Wong

PhD student researches the mechanisms behind earthquakes in order to understand their origins and effects

Ryan Kich in front of Golden Gate Bridge

Scripps Student Spotlight: Ryan Kich

Graduate student researches the microbiomes of fish gills, and how those bacteria potentially affect fish health

Two silhouettes in front of Scripps pier

Scripps Graduate Student Council Takes Initiative

Meet the 2021-2022 Scripps Graduate Student Council, an organization of students devoted to improving the quality of graduate student life on campus

Erica Ferrer close-up shot

Scripps Student Spotlight: Erica Ferrer

PhD candidate researches sustainability in small-scale fisheries

Sydney Plummer headshot

Scripps Student Spotlight: Sydney Plummer

PhD student investigates marine phytoplankton and their influence on the environment

Pengcheng Zhang

Scripps Student Spotlight: Pengcheng Zhang

Climate sciences PhD student researches the atmospheric super-rotation phenomenon on Earth

Nicole Adamson

Scripps Student Spotlight: Nicole Adamson

Undergraduate student examines red blood cell activity in teleost fish

Alejandro Cano Lasso Carretero portrait

Scripps Student Spotlight: Alejandro Cano-Lasso Carretero

A Master of Advanced Studies student fuses art and science in order to understand the natural world

Natalie Grayson portrait

Scripps Student Spotlight: Natalie Grayson

A PhD student researches how pollutants including DDT affect marine microorganisms

Jesse Robinette

Scripps Student Spotlight: Jesse Robinett

An undergraduate student tracks low cloudiness along California’s coast

Gene Depuy portrait

Scripps Student Spotlight: Gene DePuy

Master of Advanced Studies student focuses on climate change adaptation and mitigation

Rhys Tallentire

Scripps Student Spotlight: Rhys Tallentire

An undergraduate student researches coral reef biogeochemistry and its global decline

Athina Lange Headshot

Scripps Student Spotlight: Athina Lange

A graduate student studies wave runup through ocean topography, and how it can be used to forecast flooding in coastal communities

Woman jumping in field with rainbow in background.

Scripps Student Spotlight: Karina Halliman

Undergraduate focuses research on the health of marine ecosystems, from food webs in the Antarctic Peninsula to seabird populations along the U.S. West Coast

Portrait of a man with short dark hair, glasses, and a blue shirt. He is standing outside with the ocean and trees visible in the background.

Scripps Student Spotlight: Ivan Moreno

A graduate student researches cyanobacteria and bacteria and their ability to adapt and thrive in extreme environments

Kendall Chancellor a third year PhD student at Scripps

Scripps Student Spotlight: Kendall Chancellor

A graduate student analyzes the bleaching of coral reefs across Pacific Ocean

Scripps Student Spotlight: Benjamin Davis

Graduate student monitors brine disposal methods from desalination plants and their potential detrimental effects on the ocean

Scripps Student Spotlight: Samuel Kekuewa

Graduate student studies correlation between ocean acidity and coral reefs

Mariela Rios scuba diving in the ocean

Scripps Student Spotlight: Mariela Rios

Graduate student seeks to find sustainability while promoting profitability for Veracruz, Mexico's sardine fishers

A young woman in a UCSD t-shirt stands in front of a docked ship.

Scripps Student Spotlight: Rachel Chen

Undergraduate student examines cephalopods and their role in the diet of longnose lancetfish

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