News archives

A Scientist’s Life: Daniel Wangpraseurt
Marine biologist creates bioengineering techniques to help coral recover

Charting Change from Coral Reefs to Climate Science
Scripps alum Jennifer McWhorter supports the Biogeochemical Argo array in the Gulf of Mexico to understand the region’s changes over time

3D Models Provide Unprecedented Look at Corals’ Response to Bleaching Events
Seven-year time series pinpoints which corals off Maui survived multiple bleaching events

The Power of Citizen Science
Public participation and collaboration support the advancement of scientific research at Scripps

Using Fecal Transplants to Treat Dolphins with Gastrointestinal Disease
Microbiologists and marine mammal experts team up to study dolphin microbiomes

A Deep Dive into Undergraduate Classes at Scripps
Scripps offers unique undergraduate courses in earth, atmospheric, and marine sciences to educate the next generation of scientific and environmental leaders

Scripps Oceanography Celebrates Seaweed Diversity in California
The Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation at Scripps hosts Seaweed Speakeasy as part of the 2023 California Seaweed Festival

Ocean Pavilion Returns to the UN Climate Conference with Call for Ocean Science to Lead Climate Solutions
In year extreme weather events driven by rising marine temperatures, the ocean will take center stage at COP28 in Dubai November 30 – December 12

Diving Sector Could Hold the Key to Advancing UN Sustainable Development Goals
Scripps Oceanography-led paper pinpoints how the diving community can play a critical role in global marine conservation and sustainability

Expanding Access to Coral Reef Conservation Technology
Scripps researchers recommend how conservationists and scientists can use 3D modeling technology called large-area imaging

Scripps Student Spotlight: Orion McCarthy
Marine biology PhD student studies how coral reefs in Maui are changing over time in response to climate change

Phenomenal Phytoplankton: Scientists Uncover Cellular Process Behind Oxygen Production
One out of 10 breaths contains oxygen generated by cellular mechanism in microscopic algae

Researchers Track Endangered Nassau Grouper Eggs with Underwater Microscope
Scripps Oceanography researchers show fertilized eggs stayed local, but in some years drifted to nearby islands

Scripps Student Spotlight: Denise Alcantara
Journalist and current MAS Marine Biodiversity and Conservation student works to improve coral reef policy in the Philippines

First Eight Island-Ocean Ecosystems Selected for Global Ridge-to-Reef Rewilding Campaign
Island-Ocean Connection Challenge aims to restore 40 globally significant island-ocean ecosystems by 2030

John McGowan: 1924-2023
Renowned biological oceanographer and World War II veteran drew link between ocean ecology and climate change

New Study Provides First Comprehensive Look at Oxygen Loss on Coral Reefs
Scripps Oceanography scientists and collaborators provide first-of-its-kind assessment of hypoxia, or low oxygen levels, across 32 coral reef sites around the world

Scripps Student Spotlight: Anela Akiona
PhD student and COP27 delegate from Waimānalo, Hawaiʻi focuses on coral reef ecology and how human intervention can help reefs be more resilient to climate change

New research shows people, wildlife, and marine environment benefit when island-ocean connections are restored
A research and conservation collaboration highlights rewilding islands and breaking down artificial silos for big marine and terrestrial gains

Rescued Octopus Provides Rare Chance for Researchers to Understand Life Cycle
Unexpected condition of deep-sea specimen leads to new scientific knowledge

Another Year, Another Maui Trip!
Scripps Oceanography students monitor long-term changes in coral reef health

Central Pacific Coral Reef Shows Remarkable Recovery Despite Two Warm-Water Events
Study shows value of looking at long-term trends in face of climate change

3D Bioprinting Process Produces Living Coral Microhabitats
Novel biomaterials open long-term possibility of creating artificial corals

Ambitious New Environmental Challenge Aims to Rewild 40 Globally Significant Island Ecosystems from Ridge to Reef by 2030
Island Conservation, Re:wild, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, the Government of Panama, and the Government of Palau Launch 2030 Island-Ocean Connection Challenge at Our Ocean Conference with $50 Million Secured

Advanced Imaging Reveals New Cellular and Molecular Details of Coral-Algae Relationship
Findings expand understanding of ecologically important animal-microbe relationship
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