Dr. Denéchère is a postdoc in the Petrik research group. He received his PhD in marine biology at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). In addition, Dr. Denéchère has developed a strong background in fundamental ecology and mathematics at the Sorbonne University in Paris, France. He further expanded his knowledge of the size- and trait-based approach of marine ecosystems to understand global patterns in ecological systems. His past research includes work on 1) the Metabolic Theory of Ecology; 2) the trait- and size-based model of marine ecosystems, FEISTY; 3) the ecological role of fast-living squid in structuring ecosystems; 4) the effect of density dependence on the rate of fishing-induced evolution. Dr. Denéchère’s current research at SIO aims to understand the top-down and bottom-up interactions between fish and plankton to improve our predictions of fish distributions and catches and the potential implications of fish feedback on the biological pump.