Research Interests
My work involves several topics about climate variabilities and climate changes, on different scales. In particular, my present work focuses on the teleconnections between different tropical ocean basins, and about how these tropical changes further impact on higher latitude. I used different tools: theoretical-idealized models, Atmospheric/Oceanic GCMs, fully coupled earth system model, or CMIP3/5 control simulations. I also combine the simulation results with observations, to reveal the mechanisms under the observed climate variability/changes.
I'm also working on topics about Applied Math, especially data mining and machine learning methods, in cooperate with groups in Courant Institute, NYU.
In addition, I'm interested in data assimilation and optimization method.
- Ph.D. Math and Climate Sciences, May 2014
Courant Institute of Mathematics, New York University, New York, NY, USA
Thesis title: Diagnostic and Model Study of the Impact of Tropical Ocean on Southern Hemispheric Climate Change and Variability.
Research Advisor: David M. Holland.
Advisory Committee: Edwin P. Gerber, Esteban G. Tabak, David H. Bromwich. - M.Sc. Atmospheric Physics, June 2009
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China
Thesis title: Construction of an Assimilation System for Chinese
Coastal/Shelf Sea Model and the Study of Short-Time-Scale Predictability in Chinese Marginal Seas
Research Advisor: Jiang Zhu. - B.Sc. Atmospheric Science, June 2006
School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, China