Research Projects
- Experiments on Fe-Ni-S Liquid with Silicate Solids under Mantle Conditions: Implications for Deep Carbon, Primordial Components and LLSVPs.
- Fe-Ni-S-C-Si-O-H System under High Pressure: Phase Relations, Electrical and Thermal Properties.
- Formation and Destruction of Cratons.
- Diamond: Origin, Inclusion Minerals, Gemology and Artificial Synthesis.
- Composition and Structure of Earth’s Upper Atmosphere: Present and Past.
Technical Expertise
- Electron Microprobe Analysis;
- Piston Cylinder & Multi-Anvil;
- MatLab & MELTS.
- Ph.D. Geology, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities 2016 (Advisor: Marc Hirschmann)
- M.S. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 2011 (Advisor: Hongfu Zhang)
- B.S. China University of Geosciences (Beijing) 2007 (Advisor: Xuehui Yu)