Oceans and Atmosphere

Biogeochemistry and Greenhouse Gases

The study of the interactions of the chemistry of the atmosphere and oceans with ecosystems, weather, and climate.


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Jens Muhle
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Assistant Professor
Andrew Dickson
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* Randomized display

Centers, Labs, and Programs

AGAGE has been measuring the composition of the global atmosphere continuously since 1978.

A global network of robotic floats that measure the changing state of the ocean.

CalCOFI is a long-term, interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral ecosystem research program off the coast of California that holistically studies the physics, biogeochemistry, and biology of the marine environment to inform the sustainable management of marine resources in the context of climate change

The Global Ocean Biogeochemical float program supports robotic ocean-monitoring float profiles around the globe that are used by scientists and educators to better understand ocean health. 

A daily record of global atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.