
Biological Impacts of Climate Change

Studying the impacts of past and current climate change on individual organisms, species, and ecosystems. Includes observational, experimental, and theoretical research of the effects of changing climate patterns, pollution, ocean acidification, and and related processes.

Potential graduate students interested in this topic may want to apply for the Climate, Ocean, and Atmosphere MS and PhD programs or the MAS Climate Science & Policy Program.


Jennifer Taylor
Associate Professor
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Emeritus / Professor of Graduate Division
Dick Norris
Kait Frasier
Assistant Research Scientist
Colleen Petrik
Assistant Professor
Moira Decima
Assistant Professor
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Associate Professor
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Emeritus / Professor of Graduate Division
Mark Ohman
Emeritus / Professor of Graduate Division
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Associate Researcher
Art Miller
Research Scientist Emeritus
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Associate Professor
Daniel Wangpraseurt
Associate Researcher
* Randomized display

Centers, Labs, and Programs

We use sequence-based approaches, flow cytometry, modeling, and other techniques to explore the structure and function of microbial communities.

CalCOFI is a long-term, interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral ecosystem research program off the coast of California that holistically studies the physics, biogeochemistry, and biology of the marine environment to inform the sustainable management of marine resources in the context of climate change

CCCIA's mission is to advance interdisciplinary science and applications that empower people and communities to better understand climate change impacts and implement adaptation strategies.

Zooplankton ecology, gelatinous zooplankton, trophic dynamics and effects on biogeochemistry, effects of climate change on pelagic communities

Focused on understanding the interactions between light and living organisms.

The WECLIMA group studies relationships between regionally impactful weather extremes and large-scale climate variability and change. We also collaborate across disciplines to study impacts on public health, ecosystems, water resources, wildfire, energy, and air quality.