
Ecosystem Dynamics and Theory

The practical and theoretical study of how communities of living organisms change over time.


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Associate Professor
Associate Researcher
Peter Franks
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Associate Professor
Art Miller
Research Scientist Emeritus
Colleen Petrik
Assistant Professor
Jack Gilbert
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Centers, Labs, and Programs

We analyze the interactions among marine ecology and biodiversity, fisheries, socioeconomics, climate change, and more.

CalCOFI is a long-term, interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral ecosystem research program off the coast of California that holistically studies the physics, biogeochemistry, and biology of the marine environment to inform the sustainable management of marine resources in the context of climate change

Research in our lab traces the flow of organic matter through marine ecosystems, focusing on the trophic connectivity of species and assemblages in deep pelagic waters.

A working group of scientists united by an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to studying coral reefs across gradients of anthropogenic stress.

Dedicated to generating and disseminating scientific information that has a direct, positive impact on conservation and management issues and policies in the region.


We work to better understand parasites and parasitism, and to use them to enhance general ecological, evolutionary, and behavioral science.

The Human Ecology Laboratory groups together students and researchers to explore the relationships between people and the environment through time. In particular, the lab focuses on understanding Social Vulnerability related to Climate Change.

Levin is a marine ecologist who studies benthic ecosystems in the deep sea and shallow water.

Studies coral reef ecosystems to answer fundamental questions of population biology, trophic dynamics, and spatial ecology.

Much of the work from this lab involves inductive theoretical approaches to understanding nature from observational data.