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Institutional Seminar Series

Tuesday, October 20
via Zoom (Link to be sent morning of)

1:00 p.m. Talks begin w/ Q&A

Jamin Greenbaum - Antarctica: From natural wonder to global threat

Since being recognized as a continent in 1820, Antarctica has been perceived as a natural wonder, unforgiving frontier, commercial venture, and opportunity for territorial claims. Field researchers in the Geophysical Age of Antarctic exploration have since revealed an overlying…

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Talk abstract:

The viscosity of the mantle affects every aspect of the thermal and compositional evolution of
Earth's interior. Radial variations in viscosity affect the sinking of slabs, the morphology of
plumes, and the rate of convective heat transport and thermal evolution. Below the mantle
transition zone, we detect changes in the long-wavelength pattern of lateral heterogeneity in
global tomographic models, a peak in the the depth-distribution of seismic scatterers, and
changes in the dynamics plumes and slabs, which may be…

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Institutional Seminar Series

Wednesday, September 23
via Zoom (link to be sent the morning of)

1:00 p.m. Talks begin w/ Q&A


Deirdre Lyons - Slow and steady gets in the race: developing new tools and research organisms for biomedicine using molluscs

Molluscs are familiar invertebrates, from the humble garden slug, to the colorful shells left on the beach, to the mercurial shell-less octopus.  Being one of the largest, most diverse, and beautiful groups of…

Institutional Seminar Series

Contact Romie Apostol

Event Description: 

Jeff Bowman -  Introducing the Multidisciplinary Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC)

The Multidisciplinary Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) is an audacious effort to fill key gaps in Arctic observations by drifting the German icebreaker Polarstern in the central Arctic for an entire year.  Involving over 600 scientists from 20 nations, this 150 million Euro effort is over 10 years in the making. …