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Hello friends and colleagues!

It’s week 1! This week visiting us from the University of New Hampshire, we have Dr. Teri Oehmke, who will be presenting on particle and pollutant transport in complex flows:


“Experiments are a powerful method to study the kinematic transport of pollutants in the environment, specifically those pollutants transported by turbulent flow…

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Hello friends and colleagues!

It’s week 8! This week we have a special treat: a long anticipated visit by Dr. Eli Tziperman (Harvard).

"First half: major Sudden Stratospheric Warming events (SSWs) occur in the Arctic stratosphere during winter at a frequency of about six events per decade. An SSW features a distorted or completely collapsed stratospheric polar vortex, as well…

Institutional Seminar Series
(in person)

Thursday, November 3rd
at Scripps Seaside Forum Auditorium

11 a.m. Talks begin w/ Q&A
Pizza to be served after


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Hi Everybody!

It’s week five, and if you’re a surfer (or just spend your mornings and evenings watching the breaking waves and feeling melancholy) this is a CASPO seminar that you will not want to miss! Our very own Falk Feddersen is this week’s presenter! 


Why surfers love offshore winds... the effect of cross-shore winds on overturning waves

"I often heard Walter Munk say that as oceanographers we needed to listen to the wisdom of sailors,…

Institutional Seminar Series

Contact Romie Apostol

Institutional Seminar Series
(in person)

Thursday, October 20
at Scripps Seaside Forum Auditorium

11 a.m. Talks begin w/ Q&A
Pizza to be served after

*Please RSVP so we can order enough pizza for all.

Dan Lubin -- Department of Energy Atmospheric System Research at Scripps Oceanography

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For this week's special Tuesday seminar, let's welcome Dr. Giovanni Dematteis, visiting us from RPI. Dr. Dematteis will be presenting on the topic of developing a first-principles understanding of internal wave-driven mixing.

Diapycnal mixing in the ocean interior, largely due to breaking internal waves, is an important ingredient for understanding upwelling and horizontal circulation in the oceans. I will outline a first-principles quantification of the downscale energy fluxes in the internal-wave band, that ultimately feeds the wave-breaking, shear-instability conversion of…

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Our third CASPO Seminar speaker is our very own Dr. Bernie Bastien, SIO!

Ecosystems contribute to human well-being through both market and non-market benefits. Climate change will alter the distribution of ecosystems around the world and change the flow of these benefits. The implications of ecosystem changes for human welfare depend on both the nature of these changes and the extent to which communities rely on natural systems for their well-being. In this work, we estimate country-level changes in non-market ecosystem services and…

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Our second CASPO Seminar speaker of Fall 2022 is Dr. Anna-Lena Deppenmeier, visiting us from NCAR in Boulder, Colorado!

The eastern tropical Pacific cold tongue plays a major role in the global climate system. The strength of the cold tongue sets the zonal temperature gradient in the Pacific, coupling the ocean with the atmospheric Walker circulation. This coupling is an essential component of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The cold tongue is supplied with cold water by the equatorial undercurrent that follows the upward sloping thermocline to the east, transporting…

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Join us every Wednesday at 3:30pm to hear about the latest climate, atmospheric science, and physical oceanography research!

This fall's first CASPO seminar speaker will be Dr. Eiji Masunaga, SIO, who will be discussing Internal tide dynamics in the La Jolla Canyon investigated with a numerical simulator.

Internal waves are ubiquitous oceanic phenomena and play an important role in energy and mass transport in oceans. Energetic internal tides have been observed in the La Jolla Canyon from field surveys, however, generation, propagation and…

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Join AltaSea, California State University Northridge Institute for Sustainability, and The Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy & Jobs for the second annual Blue + Green Webinar Series: Aquaculture for the Economy and Ecosystem!

Moderator: Wendy Greuel

About The Blue + Green 2022 Webinar Series
The Blue + Green 2022 webinar series will include 4 one-hour webinars scheduled on Thursdays in June 2022 at 4 pm. The goal of the project is to shine a spotlight on emerging aquaculture sector in our economy. Aquaculture and the supporting…