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Title: Quantification of plastic pollution on global coastlines

Abstract: It is estimated that 300 million metric tonnes (MMT) of plastic are produced annually and that 4 to 12 MMT of this plastic enter the ocean every year. Although we have estimates of how much plastic enters the ocean, the fate of this plastic is unclear. The mass of plastic pollution on the ocean surface only accounts for 1% of annual inputs, so the remaining 99% of plastic mass in the ocean is “missing”. Coastlines are suspected to contain a large portion of this …

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Title: Observational evidence of cold filamentary intensification in an energetic meander of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current

Talk Abstract: Eddy stirring at mesoscale oceanic fronts generates finescale filaments, visible in submesoscale-resolving model simulations and high-resolution satellite images of sea surface temperature, ocean colour and sea ice. Submesoscale filaments have widths of 𝑂(1-10 km) and evolve on timescales of hours to days, making them extremely challenging to observe. Despite their relatively small scale,…

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Title: Understanding Seasonal Asymmetry in Polar Climate Change

Talk Abstract: The Arctic has warmed up to four times faster than the global average in recent decades, with far-reaching impacts on local ecosystems and global climate. Yet there is still debate over the drivers of polar-amplified warming, how they interact with each other, and their relative importance. To better understand the mechanisms of polar climate change, we investigate its seasonal asymmetries—why does the Arctic warm more in winter than in summer, and what are…

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Title: Three Easy Pieces in Moist Atmospheric Dynamics

Talk Abstract: Much of our understanding of mid-latitude dynamics comes from dry models of the atmosphere. Both individual weather systems and the mean state of the mid-latitude atmosphere can be usefully studied while neglecting atmospheric water vapor, which eliminates the complications of phase changes and associated latent heat release. But despite the advantages of this simplification, it is clear that moisture does affect the mid-latitude atmosphere in profound ways. In this…

Institutional Seminar Series
(in person)

Thursday, September 28th, 2023
at Scripps Seaside Forum Auditorium

12 p.m. Talks begin w/ Q&A
Pizza to be served after, will have vegan and gluten free options


Wenyuan Fan

TITLE: Catching landslides using seismology and space geodesy

ABSTRACT: Landslides involve the movement of large amounts of Earth materials down a slope, driven by…

Institutional Seminar Series
(in person)

Thursday, May 25th, 2023
at Scripps Seaside Forum Auditorium

12 p.m. Talks begin w/ Q&A
Pizza to be served after, will have vegan and gluten free options


Jeff Bowman

TITLE: Microbial sensors of a changing ocean environment

ABSTRACT: Marine microbes control marine biogeochemical cycles and form the base of marine food webs. The…

The Astrobiology Graduate Conference (AbGradCon) is a three-day conference dedicated to early-career scientists who study the complex and diverse topics that the astrobiology field encompasses. The goal of AbGradCon, organized entirely by graduate students, is to promote the scientific research of young astrobiologists, while promoting collaboration, practical training, and camaraderie. This year's conference will…

Institutional Seminar Series
(in person)

Thursday, April 27th, 2023
at Scripps Seaside Forum Auditorium

12 p.m. Talks begin w/ Q&A
Pizza to be served after


Linda Wegley Kelly, PhD 

TITLE: Diel dynamics of microbial biogeochemistry in coastal marine systems

ABSTRACT: Coastal marine environments maintain their own unique planktonic microbiomes and distinct biogeochemical…

Institutional Seminar Series
(in person)

Tuesday, March 7th, 2023
at Scripps Seaside Forum Auditorium

12 p.m. Talks begin w/ Q&A
Pizza to be served after


Paul Ponganis

TITLE:  Emperor Penguins: Diving Icons of Antarctica

ABSTRACT: The emperor penguin is the premier avian diver and an apex predator in the Antarctic marine ecosystem…