Overview of SIO Research Diving Activities
Christian McDonald, SIO Dive Officer
HardSuit 2000 (pdf)
Senior Chief Navy Diver Daniel P. Jackson (DSW/SS), US Navy Reserve Deep Submergence Unit (DSU)
Senior Chief Navy Diver Daniel P. Jackson (DSW/SS) of the US Navy Reserve Deep Submergence Unit, Diving Systems Support Detachment will talk about the use of the HardSuit for SUBRESCUE, and how HardSuits could further underwater research and development. Jackson performed a dive in the HardSuit to 2000' off of La Jolla last summer:
Jackson started his career in the military aboard the submarine USS Houston (SSN-713) as a Reactor Operator, in the late 90's he worked for the Hydraulics Laboratory Technology Application Group at SIO as a Marine Technician before returning to duty in the military. He is currently serving with Deep Submergence Unit and is the Atmospheric Diving System (ADS) 2000 Leading Chief Petty Officer (LCPO), detachment training/qualifications coordinator, diving division LCPO, and weight handling equipment officer.