Jochen Klinke, Senior Scientist, Oceanscience
The presentation will discuss the principles of operation of the Underway Conductivity Temperature Depth System (UCTD) and give a detailed overview of the system components. A performance analysis of the sensors will be presented showing how the data quality compares to commonly used expendables and stationary CTD measurements. The talk will conclude with a summary of the UCTD benefits when doing underway measurements.
Jochen Klinke works as senior scientist at Oceanscience, leading research and development, including the Underway CTD winch system, developed in partnership with Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Sea-Bird. He came to Oceanscience two years ago from Scripps Institution of Oceanography where he had been since 1993, first as a tech and last as a specialist. He has a PhD in Physics from Heidelberg University in Germany (1996). His background is in applied physics with a focus on mechanical, optical, and electronic design of scientific instrumentation. He has developed real time imaging systems for laboratory and ocean applications.