News archives

Rise Of Carbon

Rise of Carbon Dioxide Unabated

Seasonal peak exceeds 417 parts per million at Mauna Loa observatory

Ramanathan Portrait

New Course Aims to Bring Climate Change Solutions to Global Audience

Four-part series is first offering on the new UC San Diego Online platform

People playing on the shore under a hot sun

Scientists Identify Climate Change as Major Contributor to Record-Breaking Marine Heatwave

Scripps Oceanography team used a century of ocean data collected by the Shore Stations Program and new method of temperature analysis to put the 2018 marine heatwave in context

Open Access Book

New Open-Access Book Casts Climate Change as a Public Health Crisis

Contributors to text co-edited by UC San Diego researchers range from Nobel Prize laureates to Pope Francis

Coronavirus Global Shutdown

Coronavirus Global Slowdown Is Cleaning the Skies. How Long Will It Last?

Scripps Oceanography climate scientists ponder what episode tells us about global warming

Thwaits Glacier

First Results from NASA’s ICESat-2 Mission Map 16 Years of Melting Ice Sheets

Team of scientists finds massive ice loss in West Antarctica

Blob 2.0

New Study Looks at How the “Blob” Came Back

Scripps Oceanography and CIRES scientists find that weak winds in the Pacific drove record-breaking 2019 summertime marine heat wave

A compilation imaage of marine research

Research in the Time of COVID-19

Despite a deserted campus, some essential Scripps research programs carry on

Surface waves produced by iceberg calving are visible near the terminus of the Hansbreen glacier in Svalbard, Norway.

Listen Up: Scripps Scientists Use Underwater Microphones to Study Calving Arctic Glacier

Researchers develop new method for measuring glacial retreat by analyzing underwater acoustic recordings of icebergs falling into the ocean

Photo by Rawpixel

Coastal Heat Waves Can Tax Public Health - Even Outside of Summer

Study of Southern California hospitalizations shows upticks attributable to heat driven by Santa Ana winds in fall, winter, and spring

Esteemed Scripps Climate Scientist Appointed as the Edward A. Frieman Presidential Chair in Climate Sustainability

Veerabhadran Ramanthan selected as inaugural holder of faculty chair that honors legacy of late Scripps director

New Research is the First to Relate Antarctic Sea Ice Melt to Weather Change in the Tropics

Diminishing sea ice translates to warmer ocean, more rain, and stronger trade winds

smart 2.0 natural compounds

"SMART 2.0" Revolutionizing Identification of Natural Compounds

Organic chemistry tool developed at UC San Diego is speeding up drug discovery, toxicological analysis, and more

Nearshore excavation with newly developed barge system at Biblical port of Tel Dor, Israel. Photo: Anthony Tamberino, SCMA

UC San Diego Receives $1.3M from Koret Foundation to Support Binational Collaboration on Marine Archaeology Research

Three-year gift will support scientific collaboration between the Scripps Center for Marine Archaeology and the University of Haifa in Israel

Study Shows Acceleration of Global Mean Ocean Circulation since 1990s

Influence of greenhouse gas emissions cited as contributing cause

Strateole-2: Long-duration balloon flights across the tropics to study atmospheric dynamics and composition

Up, Up, and Away

Long-duration balloons collecting climate data in the sky complete first trip around the globe

A New Consequence of Arctic Sea Ice Melt: Changing Weather at the Equator

Research links sea ice retreat with tropical phenomena including a new kind of El Niño


Media Advisory: Scripps Institution of Oceanography Schedule of Events During Week One at COP25

Newest research on atmospheric rivers, Antarctic contributions to sea-level rise, and more to be released

Climate Science in Review: A Look Back on 2019

The biggest news in climate change to come from Scripps this past year

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