News archives

Study Gives New Insights into Nature of Deep-Sea Sediment Plumes
MIT-Scripps Oceanography team finds that sediment stirred up stays relatively close to seafloor

Environmental Scientist Jesse Ausubel to Receive 2022 Nierenberg Prize for Science in the Public Interest
Ausubel to deliver a free public lecture at Scripps Institution of Oceanography on Oct. 13

Another Year, Another Maui Trip!
Scripps Oceanography students monitor long-term changes in coral reef health

Scripps Student Spotlight: Anya Štajner
PhD student researches zooplankton activity in the California Current Ecosystem

A Scientist's Life: Moira Décima
Curator of the Pelagic Invertebrate Collection at Scripps Oceanography seeks to understand changes caused by a warmer, more acidic ocean

Central Pacific Coral Reef Shows Remarkable Recovery Despite Two Warm-Water Events
Study shows value of looking at long-term trends in face of climate change

SeaTech Connects High School Students in Alaska to Research with Scripps Scientists
High school students from Sitka, Alaska receive mentorship from Scripps scientists in researching soundscapes in marine ecosystems

Ocean Observing, Island Nation Collaboration Top Agenda for Scripps at UN Ocean Conference
Event beginning June 26 will address crisis facing global oceans

New Hybrid Machine Learning Forecasts Lake Ecosystem Responses to Climate Change
Well-studied Lake Geneva serves as testbed

3D Bioprinting Process Produces Living Coral Microhabitats
Novel biomaterials open long-term possibility of creating artificial corals

Genetics Breakthrough in Sea Urchins to Aid in Biomedical Research
Use of gene editing tool CRISPR allows development of genetically engineered marine animals

Scripps Student Spotlight: Chanel Robles
MAS MBC student researches the roles of green sea turtles in Baja California

A New Way to Differentiate Orca Whale “Cultures” through Audio Recordings
The lifestyles of three types of orcas revealed through their clicks and whistles

Deciphering the Biosynthetic Gene Cluster for Potent Freshwater Toxin
Scientific discovery enables future monitoring of harmful toxin

Scripps Student Spotlight: Dante Capone
PhD student researches how California wildfires affect coastal marine plankton

Scientists Announce Comprehensive Regional Diagnostic of Microbial Ocean Life using DNA Testing
Large-scale ‘metabarcoding’ methods could revolutionize how society understands forces that drive seafood supply, planet’s ability to remove greenhouse gases

Ambitious New Environmental Challenge Aims to Rewild 40 Globally Significant Island Ecosystems from Ridge to Reef by 2030
Island Conservation, Re:wild, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, the Government of Panama, and the Government of Palau Launch 2030 Island-Ocean Connection Challenge at Our Ocean Conference with $50 Million Secured

A Scientist's Life: Jack Gilbert
Microbial ecologist seeks ways to collaborate with bacteria to improve human and ecosystem health
Scripps Student Spotlight: Natalie Posdaljian
PhD student examines marine mammal acoustics as a signal of greater changes in the ecosystem

Study Reconsiders Early Evolution of Sea Urchins
Genome-scale analysis of evolutionary relationships and times of origin of sea urchins and their relatives prompts re-evaluation of their fossil record

Advanced Imaging Reveals New Cellular and Molecular Details of Coral-Algae Relationship
Findings expand understanding of ecologically important animal-microbe relationship

Scripps Student Spotlight: Ryan Kich
Graduate student researches the microbiomes of fish gills, and how those bacteria potentially affect fish health

“Taste” and “Smell” of Coral Reefs Provide Insights into Dynamic Ecosystem
Breakthrough in detecting chemical identity of reefs

Scripps Student Spotlight: Erica Ferrer
PhD candidate researches sustainability in small-scale fisheries
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