California Climate Change Experts to Discuss Key Findings at Science Summit


California's leading experts on the potential effects of climate change on the state will gather at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, April 20 to discuss recently released findings and gather feedback from the public.

The state Climate Action Team (CAT) draft assessment report, released April 1, uses updated, comprehensive scientific research to outline environmental and societal climate impacts. The team's second biennial report to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger includes new assessments of impacts from warming, precipitation changes and sea-level rise as well as the additional societal factors such as land-use changes and demographic shifts and the possible economic consequences of these potential changes.

Members of the science team who conducted the assessment will address the report's findings and field questions from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday, April 20, at the Robert Paine Scripps Forum for Science, Society and the Environment (Scripps Seaside Forum), located at 8610 Kennel Way (formerly Discovery Way) in La Jolla. The public will have the opportunity to ask questions and give comments to the science team. The feedback will be used to guide future CAT Research Group actions.

"I am honored that so many leading experts on climate change are gathering at Scripps as they continue to assess California's climate future," said Scripps Director Tony Haymet. "We, along with our university, federal and other agency colleagues, are committed to continue this partnership with the state Climate Action Team to provide the best available information to inform the governor and state agencies in planning for California's long-term environmental and economic health."

California Energy Commission Vice Chair James Boyd will preside over the science meeting, which will include a wide range of presentations:

Climate and Socio-economic Scenarios Overview: Dan Cayan, climate scientist at Scripps Oceanography and Alan Sanstad, researcher at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; both are members of the CAT science steering team.

Climate Effects on Forests and Wildfire Prevalence: Anthony Westerling, former Scripps Oceanography climate scientist, current assistant professor of environmental engineering and geography, UC Merced

Water and Overall Economic Impacts: Michael Hanemann, Chancellor's professor and professor of environmental and resource economics, UC Berkeley

Agricultural Sector Impacts: Richard Howitt, professor of agricultural and resource economics and department chair, UC Davis

Sea-level rise scenarios: Heather Cooley, senior research associate, Pacific Institute

Public Health: Rupa Basu, research scientist/epidemiologist, California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment

Air Quality Implications: Dev Millstein, researcher, UC Berkeley

Energy Impacts: Maximillian Auffhammer, assistant professor in the departments of Agricultural and Resource Economics and International Studies, UC Berkeley

The public is invited to attend this meeting free of charge. Members of the public wishing to attend are asked to RSVP to ensure that adequate parking, transportation and accommodations are available.

Parking and campus loop shuttle service is available at Birch Aquarium at Scripps, 2300 Expedition Way, La Jolla. The campus shuttle from the aquarium to the Scripps Oceanography Director's Office runs every 15 minutes. Shuttle space is limited.

The public portion of the meeting concludes at 2:30 p.m.

About the California Climate Action Team (CAT):
The CAT plays an essential role in the state's efforts to combat climate change. The CAT supports the implementation of the Scoping Plan - the state's roadmap to reach the greenhouse gas reduction goals required in the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, or AB 32. This plan calls for ambitious but achievable reduction in California's carbon footprint - toward a clean energy future. The CAT also supports the development of a statewide adaptation strategy to help anticipate and respond to the potential environmental and economic impacts of climate change.

The CAT is made up of representatives from 16 state departments and agencies including: Air Resources Board; Business, Transportation and Housing Agency; California Department of Transportation; California Environmental Protection Agency; California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection; California Department of Food and Agriculture; California Energy Commission; California Integrated Waste Management Board; California Public Utilities Commission; Department of Water Resources; Governor's Office of Planning and Research; Department of Public Health; Natural Resources Agency; State and Consumer Services Agency-Department of General Services; Department of Parks and Recreation; and the State Water Resources Control Board.

Additional Contacts

<p>California Energy Commission Contact:<br /> Adam Gottlieb<br /> 916-654-4989 or 916-747-3800 (cell)</p>

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