Media Advisory: Scripps Institution of Oceanography Schedule of Events During Week Two at COP25


Issues such as the importance of ocean protections, the value of the knowledge of indigenous people, and the growing need for more observational data are receiving unprecedented attention at the COP25 climate talks in Madrid, Spain. Researchers from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego will present research and release new findings on these topics and more during the event’s second week beginning Dec. 9.

Scripps Oceanography has been a leader in making the most up-to-date science available to COP negotiators since the University of California was accepted as an observer organization by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2000. This year, Scripps Oceanography hosts three press conferences and several side events to continue that mission. 

The complete list of events during the first week of the conference from Dec. 9 to Dec. 13 is below:

December 9

Press Conference:
“Colorado State University: Students Doing Goal-Oriented Science for the Sustainable Development Goals—SDG 2: Zero Hunger”
Time/Location: 9:30—10:00 Mocha Press Conference Room, Hall 4
Description: Several student SDG groups will share SDG-relevant efforts taking place on their campuses.  This group of students (twitter @adapt_ag) is exploring composting initiatives of United States academic institutions and researching the science behind improved soil as both an adaptation and mitigation strategy. Students will provide information on composting initiatives across college campuses.
Speakers: Julia Dohner, Scripps Oceanography, and student leaders from Colorado State University and Clark University

Press Conference:
“Why Local and Indigenous Knowledge and Land Rights are So Important in the Climate Change Fight”
Time/Location: 10:00-10:30 Mocha Press Conference Room, Hall 4
Description: At COP25, representatives of indigenous communities around the world have noted climate change science is only now describing what they have known for millennia. The speakers will note that even well-intentioned environmental advocates can overlook the value of the knowledge of indigenous peoples, whose ways of living help sustain wilderness.
Speakers:  Daniela Faggiani-dias, Leticia Cavole, Rishi Sugla of Scripps Oceanography

Side Event
“Global ocean governance for enhancing the ambition of national commitments on oceans”
Time/Location: 13:15-14:45 Side Event Room 1
Description: There is a challenge between national commitments (NDC) and the characteristics of the ocean, which goes beyond that logic. In that sense, a conversation related to addressing the challenge (i.e. of the Pacific Ocean) in an integrated/coordinated manner including: integrated information, measures of integrated adaptation, integrated governance, etc.
Speakers: Natalya Gallo of Scripps Oceanography joins members of the Chilean government, CIDCE, the Center for Climate and Resilience Research, Chile, and Sociedad Francesa por el Derecho Ambiental.

Side Event
Release of report “Accelerating the low carbon transition: the case for stronger, more targeted and coordinated international action”
Time/Location: 13:15-14:45 UK Pavilion
Description: The report brings together a historical understanding of how technology transitions happen (such as from horses to cars, or from wells to piped water); lessons from the experience of international cooperation in security, trade and environment; and practical knowledge of the sectors that must be decarbonized.  It identifies points of leverage for coordinated international action to accelerate low carbon transitions in ten of the highest emitting sectors, and highlights the urgent need for institutions that can support such cooperation to be strengthened.  In comparison with previous reports, what is new is a focus on the processes of change, rather than on the end goal.
Speakers:  David Victor of UC San Diego joins Lord Duncan, UK Minster for Climate Change and report co-authors

Side Event
“Ocean Deoxygenation   _IUCN Report”
Time/Location: 16:30-17:30 Moana Blue Pacific Pavilion
Description: Key scientists involved in a major initiative to spotlight the threat posed by ocean deoxygenation will detail some of the main new findings on causes, impacts, consequences, and solutions.
Speakers: Natalya Gallo, Lisa Levin, Leticia Cavole of Scripps Oceanography join members of the IUCN and UNESCO


December 10

Press Conference
“Fisheries and Climate Change: Different Windows Into a Complex Problem”
Time/Location: 14:00-14:30 Mocha Press Conference Room, Hall 4
Description: Fisheries impacts from climate change is an area of concern for many communities and nations, and one frequently raised in NDCs, however adaptation opportunities differ widely across developed and developing countries and industrial and artisanal fishing communities. This press conference highlights the different angles of the complex problem of fisheries and climate change and highlights new reports and studies on this topic.
Speakers: Natalya Gallo, Lisa Levin, and Erica Ferrer of Scripps Oceanography join Megan Bettilyon of Global Good


December 11

Side Event
“Building Resilience to Climate Change for the Deep Pacific and Its Deep Blue Economies”
Time/Location: 10:00-11:00 Moana Blue Pacific Pavilion
Description: This session will discuss how to build climate consciousness into spatial planning, scientific observing, and management of Pacific deep ocean industries to ensure resilience and biodiversity conservation.
Speakers: Lisa Levin (Scripps Oceanography, the Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative, IPCC SROCC lead author, Deep Ocean Observing Strategy, Global Ocean Oxygen Network, Scripps Institution, Natalya Gallo (CalCOFI Program, Scripps Oceanography, Ocean Scientists for Informed Policy) join leaders of South Pacific organizations.

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