In the News Now: Scripps Begins Daily Keeling Curve Updates as CO2 Approaches 400 ppm


Global concentrations of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide are measured at Hawaii’s Mauna Loa Observatory as part of the famous “Keeling Curve” record. Readings could hit the symbolic milestone of 400 parts per million of CO2 in air this month. Scripps Oceanography created a website, and a Twitter feed @keeling_curve to update daily readings.

Several news organizations have reported on the impending milestone:

Greenhouse Effect: Carbon Concentrations Set to Pass Record High of 400 PPM Time

Carbon-dioxide levels are at their highest point in at least 800,000 years Washington Post

Le taux de CO2 dans l’air au plus haut depuis plus de 2,5 millions d’années – Le Monde

As CO2 Concentrations Near Ominous Benchmark, Daily Updates BeginScientific American

Up, Up and Away! Scientists Anxious as CO2 Levels to Cross 400 PPMBloomberg

Global carbon dioxide levels near worrisome milestoneNature

Global carbon dioxide levels set to pass 400ppm milestoneThe Guardian

Greenhouse-gas levels near milestone: Highest in millions of years – NBC News

CO2-Allzeithoch, Sauerfisch, Religionskrieg – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

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