- Pelagic Invertebrate Collection
- Contact Us
Contact Us
Staff Biographies and Contact Information
Dr. Moira Décima, Assistant Professor and Curator of Pelagic Invertebrates, is a biological oceanographer and seagoing scientist who focuses on zooplankton ecology, food-web dynamics and connections to biogeochemistry. Email:
Ms. Linsey Sala, Museum Scientist and Collection Manager, is a marine ecologist currently focusing on morphological identification of various holoplanktonic invertebrate taxa and supporting the research and educational mission of this collection. Email:
Dr. Mark D. Ohman, Distinguished Professor of the Graduate Division and Curator emeritus of Pelagic Invertebrates, is a biological oceanographer who specializes in the population ecology of marine zooplankton, especially planktonic copepods, and focuses on climate change effects on California Current pelagic food webs, as well as autonomous measurement methods through the use of the novel Zooglider and moorings. Email:
Mailing address
Pelagic Invertebrate Collection
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego
8650 Naga Way, Vaughan Hall room 125
La Jolla, CA 92037-0227, U.S.A.
Phone: 858-534-2071
Campus Location
Vaughan Hall, Rooms 125 & 135,
Scripps Institution of Oceanography (Map)