Oceans and Atmosphere

Coastal Oceanography

Studying the physical dynamics of coastal and estuarine processes, including tides, turbulence, upwelling, stratification, transport, and sediment transport.


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Research Scientist
Peter Franks
Falk Feddersen
Associate Professor
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Heriberto Jesus Vazquez Peralta
Assistant Research Scientist
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Shaun Johnston
Xuanting Hao
Assistant Professor
Eric Terrill
MPL Dir/Director of CORDC
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Associate Professor
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Art Miller
Research Scientist Emeritus
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Jerry Smith
Luc Lenain, physical oceanographer
Assoc Research Sci/Air-Sea Interaction Director
* Randomized display

Centers, Labs, and Programs

Research at the intersection of biological and microbial oceanography and functional genomics.

CalCOFI is a long-term, interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral ecosystem research program off the coast of California that holistically studies the physics, biogeochemistry, and biology of the marine environment to inform the sustainable management of marine resources in the context of climate change

Providing services on coastal and marine science and policy issues.

Measures, analyzes, archives, and disseminates coastal environment data for use by coastal engineers, planners, and managers, as well as scientists and mariners.

The group focuses on observing and modeling coastal processes including beach evolution, cliff erosion, and nearshore waves.

Develops and implements coastal observatories, serves as a science and technical interface with local, state, and federal agencies, and manages various system components.

CW3E provides water cycle science, technology and outreach to support effective policies and practices that address the impacts of extreme weather and water events on the environment, people and the economy of western North America.

Specializing in estuarine and coastal processes with an interest in interdisciplinary projects that address how physics impacts important biological and chemical processes in the coastal environment.

The Human Ecology Laboratory groups together students and researchers to explore the relationships between people and the environment through time. In particular, the lab focuses on understanding Social Vulnerability related to Climate Change.

Our mission is to pursue scientific studies in underwater acoustics, small-scale physical oceanography (coastal processes, air-sea gas transfer) and biological oceanography.

A specialized team of oceanographers, engineers, and graduate students solving vexing problems in ocean physics and biology.  We develop, build, and deploy novel scientific instrumentation to observe the ocean in new ways.

Focused on the development of an understanding of interaction of light with seawater constituents, variability in ocean optical properties, and propagation of light within the ocean and across the air-water boundary.

A wave and flood forecast project.

Ecological data collected on Scripps Institution of Oceanography research pier.

Collects and provides access to current and historical data records of sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity (SSS) measurements observed at shoreline stations along the coast of California.

An autonomous long range platform to unveil the oceans.