
Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology

The study of the physiology and ecology of animals that don't have backbones, ranging from worms to sea stars, and of parasites, which can often provide insights into complex ecosystems. (Sea star photo courtesy of Gerwick Lab.)


Profile Photo
Emeritus / Professor of Graduate Division
Mark Ohman
Emeritus / Professor of Graduate Division
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Greg Rouse and wallaby
Jennifer Taylor
Associate Professor
* Randomized display

Centers, Labs, and Programs

Supports scientific research by providing specimens for study on the taxonomy, evolution, and ecology of benthic invertebrates.

We take advantage of molecular genetic approaches to examine diverse questions in ecology and evolution.

We work to better understand parasites and parasitism, and to use them to enhance general ecological, evolutionary, and behavioral science.

We study the phylogeny and systematics of marine animal groups such as annelids and crinoid echinoderms.