News archives

A brunette woman wearing glasses stands near a grassy patch along the coast

A Scientist's Life: Emily Chin

Geologist uses surface rocks to understand what’s happening miles within Earth’s interior

Scripps graduate student Emily Wei.

Scripps Student Spotlight: Emily Wei

Geosciences graduate student uses research to unravel geological processes of the past

William Easterling

Q&A with William Easterling, Assistant Director of the National Science Foundation

Easterling, head of the Directorate for Geosciences, discussed his vision for NSF and funding priorities during a recent visit to Scripps Oceanography

A woman in a red jacket conducts research in Antarctica

A Scientist's Life: Jane Willenbring

Geologist Jane Willenbring studies "the science of scenery," how the landscape changes over time

Meinrat Andreae

Pioneering Scripps Earth Scientist Awarded by the European Geosciences Union

Meinrat Andreae to receive Alfred Wegener Medal & Honorary Membership for groundbreaking research in geosciences

Photo of the Week: Up, up, upwelling

Probing the skies while studying ocean processes off Southern California

Portrait of a smiling woman with a map of Puerto Rico in the background.

Faculty Profile: Isabel Rivera-Collazo Joins Scripps and UC San Diego

New joint-hire specializes in environmental archaeology, with cross-collaborative research bridging Scripps, Department of Anthropology

Portrait of a woman with short brunette hair; trees and flowers are seen in the background

A Scientist's Life: Miriam Kastner

Pioneering geochemist on a career spent breaking through seafloor and breaking through in a male-dominated field

New seafloor map

New Map Exposes Previously Unseen Details of Seafloor

Mysteries of the deep come alive as satellite data bring thousands of uncharted sea mountains and new clues about deep ocean structures into focus

A group of middle school students at the beach

Next Generation of Ocean Science Explorers Fostered by Scripps/Ocean Discovery Program

Local school-based program brings hands-on ocean science education to underserved students in San Diego

A man wearing a blue shirt and glasses; the ocean and a pier are shown in the background

A Scientist's Life: Kerry Key

Scripps geophysicist describes using electromagnetics to see under the ocean

a researcher works on a ship

Scripps Graduate Student Honored for Top Research Paper

Annual Frieman Prize honors excellence in graduate student research

A man with shoulder-length hair stands at the beach

A Scientist's Life: Falk Feddersen

Falk Feddersen researches the implications of sea-level rise on our beaches

May gray along the coast of La Jolla

Voyager: Can May Gray be Predicted?

– Mark M., San Diego, Calif.

A woman with short, dark brown hair works in a research laboratory

A Scientist's Life: Lihini Aluwihare

Lihini Aluwihare studies the chemistry of organic matter in the oceans


Research Highlight: Extremophiles Unite!

Antarctica brings together rock-eating bacteria and the scientists who study them

An image of a modern building and university campus near the ocean.

Dredging up the Truth

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