News archives

Scientists Identify Climate Change as Major Contributor to Record-Breaking Marine Heatwave
Scripps Oceanography team used a century of ocean data collected by the Shore Stations Program and new method of temperature analysis to put the 2018 marine heatwave in context

Everything You Wanted to Know About Red Tides
Bioluminescent waves spotted along the coastline, from Baja California to Los Angeles

New Study Looks at How the “Blob” Came Back
Scripps Oceanography and CIRES scientists find that weak winds in the Pacific drove record-breaking 2019 summertime marine heat wave

El Niño Impacts on Southern California Estuaries Reveal Potential for More Frequent Closures
Winter storms in 2015-2016 emphasized vulnerability of estuaries that have natural, intermittent mouth closures, compared to those which stay open throughout the year

Scientific Resilience During a Pandemic
An aborted research cruise makes the most of the return journey home

Research in the Time of COVID-19
Despite a deserted campus, some essential Scripps research programs carry on

Listen Up: Scripps Scientists Use Underwater Microphones to Study Calving Arctic Glacier
Researchers develop new method for measuring glacial retreat by analyzing underwater acoustic recordings of icebergs falling into the ocean

UC San Diego Receives $1.3M from Koret Foundation to Support Binational Collaboration on Marine Archaeology Research
Three-year gift will support scientific collaboration between the Scripps Center for Marine Archaeology and the University of Haifa in Israel

A Scientist's Life: Sarah Gille
Physical oceanographer uses array of instruments and technologies to study circulation and change in the Southern Ocean

Scripps 2013 Research Vessel Melville Crew Honored With Polychaete Worm Species Names
After discovering a multitude of species, the 2013 R/V Melville crew decided that coming up with a new naming system was the best course of celebration

Scripps Scientists Awarded Nearly $5 Million to Study Triggers of Deadly, Toxic Algal Blooms
NOAA ECOHAB grant will aid search for genetic source of toxin production in phytoplankton

A Scientist's Life: Kathy Barbeau
Marine chemist studies how the presence of trace metals such as iron and copper affect marine life and even the climate

Coast Guard Partners with Scripps Oceanography to Establish Blue Technology Center of Expertise
New Center of Expertise will provide opportunities for identification, evaluation and transition of new blue technologies

Research Highlight: Scientists Find Key Changes in Gray Whale Migration Routes off Southern California
Increasing numbers of gray whales migrating closer to shore could put whales at risk for ship strikes, entanglements, and pollution

Explosion in Plastic Pollution Post-World War II Seen in Marine Sediments
Surge in microplastics could serve as marker for “the Great Acceleration”

Research Highlight: Scientists Bring the Ocean into the Lab to Study Human Impacts on the Ocean and Climate
Interdisciplinary SeaSCAPE project utilizes large wave tank to look at how human pollution is affecting the ability of ocean biology to control clouds and climate

A Scientist's Life: Drew Lucas
Oceanographer develops technology to study small-scale ocean physics that influence climate
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