News archives

Group photo of students gathered on a lawn near the ocean.

Around the Pier: SURFing into Science Research

SURF program at Scripps provides stepping-stone for diverse students considering graduate programs in earth and ocean sciences

Photo: MistikaS/iStock

Research Highlight: Rising CO2 Leading to Changes in Land Plant Photosynthesis

Suggests that plants have achieved an optimum response to rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere

View of an atmospheric river that made landfall in California on Feb. 16, 2017

California's Climate Future Suggests More Volatility and a Key Role for Atmospheric Rivers

Management of water resources could become more challenging

Photo: MistikaS/iStock

Rising CO2 Leading to Changes in Land Plant Photosynthesis

Suggests that plants have achieved an optimum response to rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere

A man with curly ligth brown hair stands in front of a white board in a classroom

A Scientist's Life: Andrew Barton

Marine ecologist considers diversity of plankton and their roles in ecosystems

Natural Methane "Time Bomb" Unlikely to Wreak Climate Havoc

But human-caused fossil methane emissions larger than previously believed

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