News archives

Scripps CO2 Group Director Ralph Keeling

Research Highlight: Carbon Dioxide Levels Hit Record Peak in May

Monthly average surpassed 414 parts per million at Mauna Loa observatory

Scripps CO2 Group Director Ralph Keeling

Carbon Dioxide Levels Hit Record Peak in May

Monthly average surpassed 414 parts per million at Mauna Loa Observatory

Study Uncovers Surprising Melting Patterns Beneath Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf

Casts new light on threats to Antarctica’s largest ice shelf

Scripps graduate student Travis Courtney. Photo by Lark Starkey.

Scripps Student Spotlight: Travis Courtney

Geosciences graduate student is researching how climate change is affecting coral reef structures

The seaweed Digenea simplex on the beach.

Scientists Develop New Production Method for Seaweed Chemical Used in Brain Research

Researchers find an affordable and effective way to produce kainic acid, an important natural chemical used by neuroscientists

A woman holds a flask of seaweed in her hand.

Around the Pier: Usurp the Burp

How seaweed could help curb cow burps—one of California’s greatest sources of methane emissions

Scripps graduate student Allison Cusick

Scripps Student Spotlight: Allison Cusick

Oceanography graduate student is researching how water from melting glaciers affects phytoplankton in the Arctic and Antarctic

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