
Research at the intersection of biological and microbial oceanography and functional genomics.

We analyze the interactions among marine ecology and biodiversity, fisheries, socioeconomics, climate change, and more.

The primary area of research is air-sea interaction, including the topics of surface wave dynamics, air-sea fluxes, upper ocean turbulence, including Langmuir circulations, and the remote sensing of ocean surface phenomena using electromagnetic and acoustic techniques.

Organic molecules in natural waters can help us to understand the global cycling of biologically important elements like carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus.

We work in several different areas in infrasonics: source studies, propagation modeling, array processing, and wind noise reduction.

Develops models and analyzes observations to understand the microphysical and chemical evolution of aerosol particles in the atmosphere.

The Scripps O2 Program measures changes in atmospheric oxygen levels from air samples collected at stations around the world.

Studies the ecology of marine microbes, their diversity, and their population dynamics.

Focuses on the biogeochemical cycling of trace metals in marine systems.

We examine the diversity and activity of microbial life in the deep sea , including within the deepest ocean trenches.

We use sequence-based approaches, flow cytometry, modeling, and other techniques to explore the structure and function of microbial communities.

Tectonics and hydrogeology.

Performs research in acoustic theory as it relates to applications such as oceanography and physics.

We take advantage of molecular genetic approaches to examine diverse questions in ecology and evolution.

One of the world’s leaders in the study of marine ecosystems.

Research in our lab traces the flow of organic matter through marine ecosystems, focusing on the trophic connectivity of species and assemblages in deep pelagic waters.

We work towards identifying climate-related risk factors, effective interventions, and vulnerable populations. 

A working group of scientists united by an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to studying coral reefs across gradients of anthropogenic stress.

Biological oceanographer and marine ecologist.

Zooplankton ecology, gelatinous zooplankton, trophic dynamics and effects on biogeochemistry, effects of climate change on pelagic communities