Scripps Technical Forum

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Cyd Burrows-Schilling, Tim Dennis, Jessica Hilt
UCSD Research IT Services

Research IT Services
What is Research IT Services and who are Digital Technology Resource Advisors (DTRAs)? How can they can help you do your job? Learn how Research IT Services became established at UCSD, and how DTRAs, or research facilitators, work with faculty, staff, and student researchers to help them navigate the complex IT environment at UCSD and identify products…

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Pierre-Yves Morvan

iXBlue is a fully vertically integrated company that manufactures fiber optic gyroscopes and inertial navigation systems, as well as subsea acoustic positioning systems and acoustic releases. Discover their newest range of products including:

  • 4th generation GAPS USBL and compatibility with third party beacons
  • RAMSES sparse…

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UC San Diego Library & Integrated Digital Infrastructure

To support the growing data curation needs of researchers on campus, the Library and the Integrated Digital Infrastructure program at UC San Diego launched the Research Data Curation Program (RDCP) earlier this year. We will describe our services, which include a tool for preparing data management plans, help with generating persistent identifiers for your data, a digital repository for making data discoverable and accessible,…

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Lars Hansen, President - North America Operation
MacArtney Group

The presentation will give a background on how to get data from underwater to the surface from either a stationary, free swimming or towed sensor platform.

Applications and the choice of media for the data transfer infrastructure including copper, fiber optics, free-space optics, and electro-magnetics will be covered.

There will be an open discussion to learn more about the needs and challenges and a look into the multiplexing…

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Are you developing with an ARM processor?  What is your vendor of choice: Atmel, Analog Devices, Freescale, Philips, Silicon Labs, ST Microelectronics, TI, or?  What compiler do you use: Atmel Development Studio, Eclipse, Keil, IAR, Rowley, or?

his is an all call to those working with ARM processors to come to a lunch time round table discussion so the rest of community can learn about your successes and setbacks with the all the different flavors of processors and development systems.  Bring along any hardware you have to show off.

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Come hear about the Martz Lab development work on a new data acquisition system using ARM processors.  They have a near-final revision of a working controller based on an ARM Cortex-M4.

A number of groups are looking forward or are already working with ARM processors as a replacement for the ubiquitous Persistor CF2.  There are plans to put together a repository to share electronic designs and code across Scripps.  The Scripps Webgroup is currently testing a commercial GitHub from Atlassian (Stash, is the hosted version of this).  …

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Frank Roberts, Field Applications Director

Frank Roberts is the Field Applications Director for Energy Micro, which manufacturers energy friendly 32-bit microcontrollers and radio transceivers for ultra low power applications.  The EFM32 Gecko microcontrollers include the energy efficient ARM Cortex-M4F, Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M0+ processors,…

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Derek Inglis, P.Eng, MBA, Xeos Technologies, Inc.

Remote areas of the earth are interesting places to study science but getting information back from remote sites can be challenging for many reasons.  Remote sites are often unattended and hard to revisit once equipment is installed.  The environment can range from extreme heat to extreme cold.  Equipment can be under snow or under water.  Satellite telemetry plays a vital role in getting data back from these remote sites.  Derek will give an overview of real world examples of…