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Entrepreneurial Resources For Faculty, Staff, and Students

Intellectual Property and Commercialization
UC San Diego Office of Innovation & Commercialization
The UC San Diego Office of Innovation and Commercialization (OIC) is part of the Office of Research Affairs. The OIC has established a campus-wide innovation platform to build a systemic and sustainable innovation culture, to create a vibrant regional ecosystem, and to accelerate the commercialization of campus inventions.
Disclosures & Intellectual Property
Disclosing a technology or concept to the Office of Innovation and Commercialization is the first step in accessing the legal, entrepreneurial, and business resources available at the institution to protect, grow, share, license, or spinout your technology. To maximize the potential for your technology to be protected through a patent, it is essential to disclose as soon as possible (i.e. well before public presentation or publication).
- Blink resources on disclosures
- E-Disclosure system
- U.S. Library of Congress "Taking the Mystery Out of Copyright"
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office "Basic Patent Training for Independent Inventors and Small Businesses"
- Patent Your Research
- UC Copyright Policies
- Copyright - Works created at UC
- Copyright ownership policy FAQs
- UC San Diego Library Copyright & Policy
- UC San Diego Scholarly Communication Copyright Guide
Commercialization is the process of transforming an idea into a viable product or service that generates revenue. At its simplest, for a concept or technology to be viable for commercialization, there must be people or organizations willing to pay for the product or service in excess of the costs associated with providing that service or product.
Inventions generated at UC San Diego during the course of research may be owned in part by the University of California. There may be opportunities to license the invention to an outside entity for use, or the inventor may be interested in creating a business around his or her invention. Disclosing the invention to the OIC is essential for evaluating appropriate options for intellectual property and commercialization. There are a myriad of resources at UC San Diego to educate and support students, staff, postdocs and faculty on commercialization (see below). The Office of Innovation and Commercialization Technology Transfer points of contact are Skip Cynar ( and Victoria Cajipe (
Confidentiality & Non-disclosure Agreements
When working with industry sponsors of research, collaborators, or licensors you may consider or be asked to put into place an agreement to protect your and/or the company's confidential information. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) or Confidentiality Disclosure Agreements (CDAs) are agreements that set out obligations for conversations that contain confidential and/or proprietary information from one or both parties. The terms control the disclosure, receipt, and use of the confidential or proprietary information. Commonly, this type of agreement is needed when a sponsor or collaborator and a principal investigator are contemplating a research collaboration, and first need to exchange confidential information to evaluate the collaboration's potential. The primary focus of NDA/CDA is to ensure that the rights of each party are protected with respect to its ownership of its confidential information and restrictions on the other party's use or dissemination of that information. Should a formal research relationship arise from these initial discussions, confidentiality terms in a sponsored research agreement or unfunded collaboration agreement would supplement or take the place of the NDA/CDA. When considering the exchange of confidential or proprietary information, please contact your business office and SIO C&G (Frank Truong,
Please note that NDAs/CDAs are outside the fundamental research exception. All parties involved (institutions and individuals) must undergo restricted party screening, and any controlled items or materials may only be exchanged under a control plan developed in advance by UCSD Export Control.
Learn more:
Vanessa Scott
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Director, Corporate Affiliates, Business Development, Industry Outreach, and Innovation
Canon Purdy
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Industry Relations & Innovation Analyst
UC San Diego Resources for Faculty, Staff, Postdocs, and Students
- startBlue accelerator program
- Jacobs School of Engineering Institute for the Global Entrepreneur
- Institute for the Global Entrepreneur I-Corps Program
- Sustainability: The Green Initiative Fund
- California Institute for Innovation and Development
- microMBA Course
- Scripps Innovation Newsletter
- UC San Diego Innovation Youtube Channel
- UCSD Startup Tree
- Institute for the Global Entrepreneur Entrepreneurial Resources
- Industry Sponsored Research Agreement Intellectual Property Innovation Zones
- UC San Diego IDEAS Innovation Council resources
- Eckart Fish Bowl
- Eckart Sea Cave
- Hubbs Hall 4135
- Hubbs Hall 4500
- MESOM 151
- MESOM 251
- MESOM 351
- Nierenberg Hall 101
- Nierenberg Hall 327
- Nierenberg Hall 400
- Nierenberg Hall 432
- Old Scripps Building 20
- Spiess Hall 330
- Sverdrup Hall 1267
- Vaughan Hall 100
- Vaughan Hall 300
- Vaughan Hall 328
- Vaughan Hall 348