Emergency Preparedness

Preparation is key to daily safety at Scripps. Protect yourself, and those around you, by preparing for unexpected situations both inside and outside of the lab. The Scripps EH&S Office encourages you to review the following important safety documents and information.

What You Should Know About Tsunamis

Southern California’s low lying coastline could experience tsunami waves, either from a distant earthquake or locally generated by our own seismically active geology.

  • Know the Tsunami Warning Center Terms:
    • Advisory: An earthquake has occurred in the Pacific basin and might generate a tsunami. Tsunami Warning Centers will issue hourly bulletins about the situation.
    • Watch: A tsunami was or may have been generated, but is at least 2 hours travel time to the area under watch status.
    • Warning: A tsunami was or may have been generated and could cause damage. People in the warned area are strongly advised to evacuate to higher ground.
  • In case of a tsunami warning triggered by a distant seismic event:
    • Stay off beach and pier, move to higher ground
    • Be alert to announcements on radio/TV, Triton Alert and from emergency responders
  • In the case of a strong local earthquake, the ground shaking is considered warning of potential tsunami danger at the coast, and people should immediately seek higher ground.
    • In this situation, Pawka Green and other normally designated assembly areas at elevation of less than 25 feet are considered potentially at risk; people should move to higher ground. The Eckart Building entrance and outdoor deck are at 30 meters elevation, which is considered not at risk of inundation.
  • International Tsunami Information Center
  • Tsunamis, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Emergency Equipment​

Questions or concerns? Contact Scripps EH&S Coordinator Jennifer Rosales at (858) 534-8449.